Another day and yet more evidence that Serco thrives through failure

The Guardian investigates: A leading private health company, poised to win much of the new wave of… NHSoutsourcing contracts, is under investigation for allegedly providing an “unsafe” out-of-hours GP service, and over claims that it manipulated results where it failed to meet targets. Serco, which runs a large range of outsourced services for the government and…

America keen to keep Israel on the financial and military drip feed

From Ynet: The US Senate is currently reviewing the US-Israel… Enhanced Security Cooperation Act of 2012 which passed the House of Representatives earlier this month. The bill proposes shared satellite intelligence, aerial refueling tankers, specialized munitions and surplus drawdown gear from Iraq. A Senate aide said the bill has already amassed nearly 50 co-sponsors and is…

The power and beauty of protest in Quebec

This is no longer just about rising tuition fees and a government that loathes public protest. It’s the power of the #Occupy movement with a broad base of support. This beautiful film captures a moment:

NATO expands and vulture capitalists make a killing

Salon reports: “Optics!” hissed the NATO summit staffer. “Jesus Christ, optics!” He was right to panic. It was Sunday evening, 6 sharp, the end of the first day of the NATO summit in Chicago. A swarm of global press was gathered around the convention hall’s lone display, a slick industry-sponsored video exhibit of NATO’s ballistic…

Memo to media; still life and death in Iraq

Niqash reports: Iraqi maternity hospitals are seeing a new born trend: children given “neutral” names that don’t reveal their family’s religious or political affiliations. Because in Iraq, having the wrong name in the wrong place can still get you killed. On a Tuesday in mid-May the office at the entrance to the Salam Hospital in…

Boycotting Israeli apartheid is both moral and necessary

Of course, if you’re a self-described Leftist Zionist like Philip Mendes in Australia… you write for Murdoch’s Australian and tell Palestinians to grow up and embrace their occupiers: The international boycott, divestment and sanctions campaign against Israel is a by-product of the second Palestinian intifada and the collapse of the Oslo peace process. It is essentially…

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