Highlighting the Western obsession with disaster tourism

What a fascinating project: A disaster is not the event itself, but the trauma of the event. By adjusting to looming collapse in advance, your lifestyle can change gradually, at your own pace. ARK-INC offers holidays in apocalyptic landscapes, low-tech home comforts, and materials for self-evaluation.    

How to treat corporations complicit in human rights abuses

The number of lawsuits filed by multinationals against governments is growing globally. It truly shows who controls this world. It’s time for a serious fight-back. Evidence for the prosecution (via the Guardian): Lloyds Banking Group… has become embroiled in a row over its investment in a company accused of involvement in the… rendition… of terror suspects on behalf…

When if ever will South African Jews not embrace victimhood?

Tragically, many Australian Jews take comfort from this same delusion, almost enjoying imagining it’s 1933. All the time. This piece from a South African newspaper highlights the dilemma and hopes for a much better future: Of all the studies conducted on the position of the Jewish establishment during apartheid, perhaps the most authoritative has been…

This is our insanely monitored world in 2012

Glenn Greenwald, Salon: …Issuing subpoenas to journalists to force them to reveal their sources is now obsolete — unnecessary — because the U.S. Government’s Surveillance State is so vast, so comprehensive, that it already knows who is talking to whom. It now… subpoenas and harasses reporters… simply to force them to confirm in court what they have…

Our charming Western legacy in Afghanistan

Over a decade occupying the place, hundreds of billions spent and this is the result (via the Washington Post): After signing a 10-year lease and spending more than $80 million on a site envisioned as the United States’ diplomatic hub in northern Afghanistan, American officials say they have abandoned their plans, deeming the location for…

Taliban Poetry adds a sonnet or two to tonight’s reading group

Surely the only way to understand Afghanistan is to listen to all voices: A British publisher has defended its decision to release a collection of poems penned by members of the Taliban. The book comprises more than 200 works which centre on insurgents’ experiences during the decade-long conflict and document “the thrill of battle”. A…

Serco Australia loves more refugees because profits are booming

The only people really benefitting from the steady stream of asylum seekers to Australia are the heads of multinational Serco. Sydney’s Sun Herald reports: A surge in asylum seeker boats has delivered an explosion in profits for the private company operating Australia’s detention centres. Serco Australia, a division of a British multinational, enjoyed a 45…

Are only multinationals with bad records able to continually secure contracts?

The global onslaught of vulture capitalists continues space: Giant US military-industrial company Kellogg Brown & Root (KBR) is in the running to win a slice of a controversial …£1.5 billion (US$2.43 billion) contract to transform the West Midlands and Surrey police forces in Britain, The (London) Times reported.…  Hailed as the largest police privatization scheme…

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