Don’t forget the bigger Wikileaks picture

Agreed (via zunguzungu): If we moralize about Wikileaks and Julian Assange exclusively, we’re not doing our moral duties as citizens, and as human beings. Our job is to watch people with power and try to ensure that people with power don’t misuse it. Part of that is scrutinizing powerful men who have the opportunity to…

Wikileaks dumps on slavish New Zealand leaders

More leaked Wikileaks cables show that Washington is constantly looking for compliant journalists and politicians: Leaked United States diplomatic cables explain why officials appear to have been caught on the hop last year when American Secretary of State Hillary Clinton announced the resumption of intelligence sharing between the two countries – the deal was supposed…

How Wikileaks has unleashed massive online dissent

UK Observer publishes a piece that outlines the new info war with Wikileaks and the world. Call it cyber anarchism, payback to corporations, pro-Wikileaks rattling or just online revolution, there’s a new world out there: He is one of the newest recruits to Operation Payback. In a London bedroom, the 24-year-old computer hacker is preparing…

Al Jazeera covers Sydney Wikileaks solidarity event

Al Jazeera English covered the Sydney rally for Wikileaks yesterday: Pro-WikiLeaks demonstrations have been held across Australia against the arrest of… Julian Assange, the whistleblowing website’s… founder. In Sydney, around 500 demonstrators [editor; more like 1500 people] gathered on Friday, to push for the release of Assange, who is in a British jail fighting extradition to Sweden…

Russia Today TV on Wikileaks

I was interviewed by the Russian satellite TV channel RT about Wikleaks this week. We talked about the significance of the leaks on democracy, the Australian government’s woeful response and the responsibility of journalists to step up and challenge establishment power. [video: src=””]

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