If the aim is to silence Wikileaks, failure is guaranteed

The utterly shambolic nature of the public case against Julian Assange is revealed here. Political pressure, anybody? TONY EASTLEY: Lawyers for WikiLeak’s editor and founder, Julian Assange, say he could have a meeting with British authorities to discuss sexual assault charges laid against him by Swedish police, within 24 hours. Scotland Yard has received a…

Rudd misses main message of Wikileaks dump

Australia’s Foreign Minister Kevin Rudd doesn’t seem to understand the paradigm shift of the Wikileaks release. His answer is more secrecy, less transparency and less democracy. He may find himself more shocked in the months and years ahead. Here’s hoping: Kevin Rudd has suggested the United States “tighten things up a bit” following the publishing…

Leading Australian politician defends Wikileaks

Australian Federal independent MP Andrew Wilkie: Mr Wilkie believes WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has not broken any US or Australian laws in publishing the documents. “It’s not Assange’s fault that this information is leaking out of the [US] administration – it’s the administration’s fault.”

Good luck shielding yourself from the next Wikileaks dump

The empire (tries) to strike back: The Obama administration is planning a major reshuffling of diplomats, military officers, and intelligence operatives at U.S. embassies around the world out of concern that WikiLeaks has made it impossible—if not dangerous—for many of the Americans to remain in their current posts. Administration officials tell The Daily Beast that…

Wikileaks has allies, many of them

Julian Assange on the futility of trying to shut Wikileaks down: The Cable Gate archive has been spread, along with significant material from the U.S. and other countries to over 100,000 people in encrypted form. And the fight goes on: In a bid to stay one step ahead of the governments, companies, freelance hackers trying…

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