Haaretz editor sees Israeli apartheid here to stay

Leading boycott, divestment and sanctions advocate (BDS) Omar Barghouti introduces this important piece: Nothing new. BUT it comes from the publisher of one of Israel’s most influential newspaper. Other prominent Israelis from within the establishment (and the Israeli media is most certainly part of the establishment, by any objective standard) have used the term apartheid…

Who trusts corporates to help the poor when real agenda is clear?

Troubling piece in the Guardian that details the various ways in which supposedly well-meaning corporations are “helping” disadvantaged communities across the world but without appropriate government care are in fact making the situation worse. Vulture capitalism: Nestlé is using a floating supermarket to take its products to remote communities in the Amazon. Unilever has a…

Woodside in the Kimberley; Exploitation Inc

My following investigation appears in today’s Crikey: When West Australian Premier Colin Barnett said recently that he welcomed the announcement of a permanent US military presence in northern Australia, his words were worth considering in a wider context. “We have a large open expanse in northern Australia, we are near one of the most troubled…

Top 25 stories corporate media (largely) ignored in 2011

Project Censored has released its annual list: Censored 2012: Stories of 2010-2011 1.… More US Soldiers Committed Suicide Than Died in Combat 2. US Military Manipulates the Social Media 3.… Obama Authorizes International Assassination Campaign 4.… Global Food Crisis Expands 5.… Private Prison Companies Fund Anti–Immigrant Legislation 6.… Google Spying? 7.… U.S. Army and Psychology’s Largest Experiment–Ever 8.… The Fairytale of Clean…

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