Why WikiLeaks forces accountability on the insular journalistic and political club

Last week I was invited down to Canberra to give the keynote speech at the Independent Scholars Association of Australia 2011 Conference. It was held at the National Library to an appreciative audience. The following are my notes: -… … … … … …  Quote from Julian Assange, The UnAuthorised Autobiography, p. 119/120 + 168 -… … … … … …  … What is modern journalism…

#Occupy hits Harvard

Well, this is very interesting: In recent years, Greg Mankiw noticed that the students who took his economics class at Harvard seemed overly concerned about preparing for their careers. That appeared to change this week. On Wednesday, about 70 of his students walked out of Economics 10, the introductory class he teaches, to protest what…

What the Left must understand about the #Occupy movement

It’s not enough to simply talk about inequality and play within a system designed and rigged by the usual political players. The real Left must get far more imaginative. This is a good piece in Le Monde Diplomatique that demands more: The Occupy Wall Street protests in the US are also directed against the Street’s…

This is our future; Mercenaries Are Us

We are being warned in report after report and yet governments and corporations see private security as the ideal way to enforce and protect assets. And now the reality: A UN expert group warned of an alarming resurgence in the use of mercenaries and a major expansion in military and security companies operating without regulation…

Israeli democracy rudely interrupted by torturing Arabs

Away from all the bluster of a non-existent “peace process” between Israel and the Palestinians, this is what matters; a brutal Zionist state: Medical professionals in Israel are being accused of failing to document and report injuries caused by the ill-treatment and torture of detainees by security personnel in violation of their ethical code. A…

When the state fails, citizens using private security is sure way to chaos

This is what our society is becoming; unaccountable forces that will push an aggressive agenda in the name of “efficiency”. Why not just privatise everything? Foley residents will call a private security company when they need nonemergency help, starting in January. On Tuesday, Foley City Council members unanimously approved hiring a private security company to…

Footage of On Utoya Sydney book launch on Norway and terror

Recently there was the global launch of the new e-book On Utøya: Anders Breivik, right terror, racism and Europe (my chapter is about the nexus between Israel and the Right). The book was launched in Sydney in late October. I spoke alongside Greens Senator Lee Rhiannon. Film-maker Reuben Brand filmed and edited the following footage…

Standing up for civilians peacefully pushing for peace in Gaza

As another flotilla makes its way to Gaza, to highlight the ongoing and illegal Egyptian and Israeli imposed siege on the Strip, the following statement is released today: Free Gaza Australia rejects the threats by Israel to “take any necessary action” to prevent two boats carrying pro-Palestinian activists, including Australian Michael Coleman, from reaching Gaza.…

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