Those anti-Semitic Greens may well launch a pogrom next

Can you feel it, fellow Jews? The new Green Nazis are in town, talking all about Palestinian rights, as if those Arabs are under Israeli occupation. The shame of it all. Yesterday’s Murdoch Australian continued its brave expose of a party that challenges individuals who accuse them of extremism and anti-Semitism: Labor in NSW has…

Memo to shock doctrine freaks; create a crisis and privatise

Privatisation is the opium of the masses (well, a few men in suits who love the smell of burning unions in the morning). Democracy Now! reports on moves to privatise the American postal service under the guise of improving efficiency but is this yet another move by corporate crack fiends to allegedly reduce costs and…

Another day and yet more misery caused by Serco

This week two media reports that highlight the mental anguish caused by the Australian government contracting Serco to “manage” its refugee crisis. This story on Radio National Breakfast deals with the remote centre in Leonora, with woefully under-trained or untrained Serco staff having to deal with traumatised asylum seekers. On ABC AM, Australia’s Human Rights…

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