Blackwater murders children and must be held accountable

Leading American investigative journalist Jeremy Scahill has spent years reporting on the actions of private military contractor Blackwater and the privatisation of war across the world: Here’s his latest: Democracy Now! exclusive report from Jeremy Scahill about a nine year old boy, shot in the head and killed by Blackwater in the infamous Nisour Squre…

Blackwater boys don’t mix with the rest

Yesterday I wrote about Jeremy Scahill’s explosive revelations that Blackwater are operating covertly in Pakistan and a reliable journalist contact who spends considerable time in the country passed this on: You know there’s a heavily guarded pub in Peshawar called the American Club where these Blackwater dudes hang out. No one else goes there, they’re…

Blackwater is a clear and present danger to us all

The latest on Blackwater, the US military contractor, is fascinating and is once again discovered by Jeremy Scahill: In an explosive new article in The Nation magazine, investigative journalist and Democracy Now! correspondent Jeremy Scahill reveals the private military firm Blackwater is part of a covert program in Pakistan that includes planning the assassination and…

Blackwater are essential to keep the Arab kill ratio up

The ongoing case of the US private military contractor Blackwater – covered extensively on this site here and here – continues. Note the seeming inability (or unwillingness, probably) of the US establishment to stop using an outfit charged with serious cases of murder and mismanagement: In the aftermath of the 2007 Nisour Square massacre in…

Blackwater killers

US military contractor Blackwater are a rule unto themselves (as I discussed some months ago.) Now further evidence that its actions in Iraq are akin to a rabid dog off the leash.

Blackwater in deep water

As the scandal and news reports surrounding the conduct of Blackwater in Iraq pour out, the Bush administration responds as only it knows how, by awarding even more money to the contractor. This is in spite of the fact that after the constant denials, the chairman of Blackwater has admitted that BW contractors are prone…

Blackwater Fever – The Symptoms

A common disease among international contractors working in Iraq, Afghanistan and various other 3rd world hellholes. Frequently attacks young men with only one war or enlistment under their belt, State Dept agents, Former LEOs, anyone associated with an Ambassadors detail and occasional poseurs. BKWF has many symptoms; if you have the following you may be…

Blackwater stains

More confirmation that not only is the Iraqi government irrelevant, but that the Bush administration has no problem humiliating them publicly. In spite of Blackwater being ordered out of the country by the Iraqi government, they clearly are going nowhere. This makes a mockery of the suggestion that if the Iraqi government were to request…

The enduring legacy of disaster capitalism in its many forms

The stubbornness of disaster capitalism is legendary. I recently spoke to the New York-based podcast series News Beat on the war in Afghanistan and how many people made a fortune during the 20-year US occupation. The show has done a follow-up episode just on disaster capitalism and in it I discuss mining, Blackwater founder Erik…

The ugly allure of mining in Afghanistan

My story in Australian outlet Crikey this week: Australia’s second-richest person Andrew “Twiggy” Forrest was in Afghanistan in September to investigate the viability of resource projects in the war-torn country. According to The Australian Financial Review, “Forrest has been travelling to some of the world’s most dangerous nations in search of new resource projects and pursuing philanthropic interests”.…

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