New Zealand’s leading magazine on The Palestine Laboratory

New Zealand’s leading magazine on The Palestine Laboratory

I’ve just returned from a week-long book tour in New Zealand for The Palestine Laboratory. 4 cities in 5 days, I spoke at packed public events, engaged with journalists and politicians, met huge numbers of Palestine activists and visited the Christchurch mosque where 51 Muslims were massacred in 2019. I wanted to pay my respects.…

Jewish Voice for Labour embraces the Palestine lab

Jewish Voice for Labour embraces the Palestine lab

A great review of my new book, The Palestine Laboratory, by Andrew Hornung for the UK’s Jewish Voice for Labour: Loewenstein’s great contribution is to pull together a vast trove of information about this sector, its activities, its origins, its power and its effects. The book’s central idea, reflected in its title, is that Israel’s expertise…

Jacobin on how to “perfect the architecture of control”

Jacobin on how to “perfect the architecture of control”

My interview in US outlet, Jacobin, about my new book, The Palestine Laboratory. The conversation, conducted by Mattha Busby, covered a wide range of areas from Israeli spying to the role of the Zionist lobby: Wars and occupations have long been testing grounds for technology, science, and surveillance. In a domain mostly controlled by the…

Discussing Lachlan Murdoch with Paddy Manning

Discussing Lachlan Murdoch with Paddy Manning

Journalist Paddy Manning has written a fascinating book on Lachlan Murdoch, the heir apparent of the global media empire, called The Successor. I interviewed him about the book and his methods behind it at this year’s Newcastle Writer’s Festival:  

Melbourne’s Triple R radio on The Palestine Laboratory

Melbourne’s Triple R radio on The Palestine Laboratory

My interview with Melbourne’s Triple R Radio program, The Grapevine, about my new book, The Palestine Laboratory: The Palestine Laboratory is a new book by journalist Antony Loewenstein that documents how Israel’s subjugation of the Palestinian people serves as a testing ground for weapons and surveillance systems that are then exported around the world. Built…

Radio New Zealand interview on The Palestine Laboratory

Radio New Zealand interview on The Palestine Laboratory

My interview with one of New Zealand’s leading news programs, Saturday Morning with Kim Hill, to discuss my new book, The Palestine Laboratory: Australian-German investigative journalist Antony Loewenstein argues Israel has used occupied Palestinian territories as a testing ground to develop weaponry and surveillance technology. In his new book The Palestine Laboratory Loewenstein pulls together…

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