Who is dreaming of a completely privatised America?

Project of Government Oversight give us the facts and the public/media/political response is minimal. Simple question: at what point will a totally privatised world cause concern for society (hint: now)? The U.S. government’s increasing reliance on contractors to do work traditionally done by federal employees is fueled by the belief that private industry can deliver…

Yes, Israel, we want Christian fundementalists on your side

Today in the New South Wales Parliament Christian hard-liner David Clarke will be reading the following in the Upper House. Once again, Israel’s best friends are Christian fundamentalists and conservatives who loathe Arabs. Nice going: Mr Clarke to move— That this House: (a) notes with concern the anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment and Sanction (BDS) Campaign against…

Chomsky on the real 9/11

This is classic clear-thinking from Noam Chomsky on Democracy Now! this week, views so rarely expressed in the corporate press: …The claim that the U.S. was being attacked [on 9/11] because, as the president put it, they hate our freedoms was completely untenable. They hated our policy. In fact, it would be more accurate to…

“It’s a Jewish obligation to criticise state violence”

The subtle but noticeable shift in American, Jewish public opinion towards Israel and Palestine. Occupation matters. Human rights abuses noticed. Blind backing for Zionism is unimaginable. Bring it on: Initial Development Trailer: Some of My Best Friends Are Zionists from Open Letter Productions on Vimeo.

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