This is what Israel loves doing (building illegal colonies)

One more nail in the coffin of the Jewish state: With the end of the building freeze, construction has started up in Judea and Samaria (Yesha) communities. In fact, said the Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS), building jumped 660% in Judea and Samaria during the first half of 2011, as compared to… the previous… year. While the…

Who really wants Serco to remain in Australia? Not the people

With so many unanswered questions, privatisation is not the way forward for helping people. But then again, that’s not the point, is it? It’s about profit above humanity: The private company that runs the Christmas Island detention centre should be stripped of its contract, and control of the network returned to the Commonwealth, says the…

The good mercenary life in Africa

Who said being a private security thug wasn’t profitable in the age of capitalism on crack (via South African paper The New Age)?: Thirty-five Special Forces-trained South Africans were responsible for this week’s audacious operation that spirited Muammar Gaddafi’s wife and three children from Libya to safety in Algeria. The “battle hardened Iraq veterans”, who…

The gospel according to Tony Abbott (future Australian leader?)

The Liberal Opposition leader Tony Abbott is interviewed in today’s Murdoch Australian by Greg Sheridan, a man who never saw a war he didn’t love to watch (from a distance). The message? Abbott loves America, Israel, the West, the “war on terror” and anything Washington asks. That’s not a foreign policy; its sycophancy: I ask…

Australia’s dyfunctional neighbour that we keep on funding

This Wikileaks document is revealing because of the general lack of public discussion in Australia about the massive amounts of aid given to Papua New Guinea or the resource curse that besets the nation: Papua New Guinea is entrapped by deeply corrupt politicians who have enriched themselves on resource revenues and Australian aid programs, according…

Memo to Murdoch hacks; supporting Palestine is legitimate so deal with it

In what is becoming a daily obsession by Murdoch’s Australian newspaper, today sees yet more articles comparing BDS for Palestinian rights akin to Nazi Germany, the 9/11 attacks and extremism. First the “news” story: Victorian unions have voted to embroil the ACTU in a controversial campaign targeting Israeli-owned businesses. This came as the Boycott, Divestment…

Wikileaks claims Tamils want justice but autocratic state making that impossible

As Sri Lanka continues to face justified international pressure over war crimes against Tamils committed during the country’s civil war, a recently released Wikileaks cable alleges the Tamil population inside the country fears even raising accountability issues. That’s quite some democracy: In a comment dated 15.01.2010, US ambassador Patricia Butenis noted the Tamils in Sri…

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