What Australian politicians must ask media heads and not just Murdoch

We’re learning more and more about the culture of entitlement, arrogance and denial within the Murdoch empire. Here in Australia, there are growing calls for a parliamentary inquiry into the power of the media and lack of regulation. New Matilda has a few ideas and I was asked for mine: A parliamentary inquiry into the…

Business as usual with an occupier isn’t feasible

The Electronic Intifada’s Ali Abunimah tells Haaretz why Israel must pay a price for colonising Palestinian land: As long as there is no pressure on Israel, Israel will not change. Following the Oslo Accords, there were a lot of ‘joint projects’ – in health, environment, training, and many of these were funded by the European…

Murdoch empire ruled by arrogance and denial (and respected by few)

Jay Rosen on a bloated corporate culture that indulges and fellates power. Oh, and loves wars against Muslims: When the news broke that the Murdochs had hired the Edelman firm to handle public relations in the UK, I thought to myself, “Edelman has a crisis response practice, but do they have a denial division?” Because…

Remembering what Chomsky does to help people in countless places

As Noam Chomsky prepares to arrive in Australia later in the year to receive the Sydney Peace Prize, haters routinely forget the tireless work by the American intellectual behind the scenes on behalf of those persecuted by governments. This campaigning is rarely acknowledged and it often comes at some personal cost. Below is one case…

What Murdoch thugs fear most; sunlight

Wendy Bacon, a journalist for the Australian Centre for Independent Journalism at the University of Technology, writes in New Matilda that now is the time to seriously investigate the power of the Murdoch empire in Australia. It’s called democracy, hacks: There are two main ways of thinking about freedom of expression in the context of…

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