Wikileaks is just warming up and democracy should be thankful

An exciting time to be a journalist and citizen of the world. Wikileaks is showing the corporate media that transparency and real reporting is the only way forward, if they want to remain relevant and not tied to establishment interests: The Wikileaks founder, Julian Assange, said today that the organisation is working through a “backlog”…

Wikileaks shows up more corporate reporters

Wikileaks founder Julian Assange to Der Spiegel on the motivations of doing what most journalists do not: We are clear about what we will publish and what we will not. We do not have adhoc editorial decisions. We always release the full primary sources to our articles. What other press organization has such exacting standards?…

Wikileaks releases the new Pentagon Papers?

The Wikileaks story about leaked documents over the Afghan war is racing across the world. Some analysis and further news is here, here, here and here. Releasing sensitive information in the age of the web is a marvel of new technology. Here the New York Times explains its reasoning behind publication. The job of journalists…

Wikileaks blows open the Afghan disaster

The power of the internet to prick the most powerful government in the world, its corrupt war, its shameful allies (including Australia) and blow wide open the nature of the Afghan engagement: A huge cache of secret US military files today provides a devastating portrait of the failing war in Afghanistan, revealing how coalition forces…

More journalists must take risks, says Wikileaks head

Wikileaks founder Julian Assange in the Guardian: There has been an unconscionable failure to protect sources. It is those sources who take all the risks. I was at a journalism conference a few months ago, and there were posters up saying a thousand journalists had been killed since 1944. That’s outrageous. How many policemen have…

The battle between Wikileaks and Miley Cyrus

According to this Canadian writer, Wikileaks has been largely ineffective in truly bringing change because of our incredibly short attention spans: The “collateral murder” video has been viewed almost 7m times on YouTube – that’s 128 times fewer than the video for Miley Cyrus’s Party in the USA. That comparison might seem silly, but it…

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