Wikileaks must survive for the sake of transparency

A black day for the crusading website Wikileaks: The anonymous whistleblower website Wikileaks, which has been a thorn in the side of governments and big business for three years, has shut down temporarily because it has run out of money. The document repository, founded by an Australian living in East Africa, has been the catalyst…

The Orwellian censorship of Wikileaks

The following article appears in today’s edition of Crikey: Internet censorship is something we normally associate with countries such as Iran or China, but increasingly Western governmental and legal authorities are aggressively restricting the ability of users to view information unimpeded. Such is the story with Wikileaks, one of the most essential websites launched in…

Talking to The Washington Post about the US/Australia client state relationship

Talking to The Washington Post about the US/Australia client state relationship

After the release of Wikileaks founder Julian Assange, I was interviewed by The Washington Post about the toxic, client state relationship that usually exists between Australia and the US: That was affecting sentiment about Assange, said Antony Loewenstein, an Australian journalist who has known Assange since WikiLeaks was founded and has campaigned for his release.…

The high stakes in the case of Julian Assange

The high stakes in the case of Julian Assange

Since its inception in 2006, Wikileaks has been a vitally important news organisation. As founder Julian Assange fights for his life and freedom, Al Jazeera English interviewed me about his case: “It’s an invaluable resource that remains utterly essential to understand how power works, not just US power, but global power,” Antony Loewenstein, an independent…

The rise of Declassified Australia

Declassified Australia was launched nearly one year ago by journalist Peter Cronau and me. We’ve published more than 20 stories since on a range of issues including spying, social media manipulation, Afghan refugees and Australia’s foreign policy. We have big plans for ramping up the reach and scale of the outlet so stay tuned. This…

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