Shock Doctrine alive and well

Naomi Klein on how her thesis is morphing into something even deadlier (via Democracy Now!): AMY GOODMAN: We only have 30 seconds. You published Shock Doctrine in 2007. So much of what you’ve predicted has come to pass. Final words? NAOMI KLEIN: Look, my fear is that climate change is the crisis, the biggest crisis…

How Obama admin brutalises Bradley Manning

Remember this the next time the US talks about spreading democracy around the world: Bradley Manning, the US soldier being held in solitary confinement on suspicion of having released state secrets to WikiLeaks, has spoken out for the first time about what he claims is his punitive and unlawful treatment in military prison. In an…

Our Western leaders must be so proud of backing Egyptian brutality

The West backed three decades of Egyptian-government depravity, all in the name of “stability”. But what did this mean for the people? Here’s Sarah Carr, a freelance journalist and a senior researcher with the Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights, writing about entering the Nasr City State Security Investigations (SSI) headquarters recently: State Security Investigations combined…

Gideon Levy on Israel’s choice of self-delusion

One of Israel’s true heroes: “With the huge dramatic turmoil in the Arab world in the last few weeks . . . finally there is a new spirit in the world and in the Arab world and tyrannies will not last forever. The Israeli occupation is by far one of those tyrannies.” So ended a…

BDS is working (the targets say so)

And we’re only just warming up: Ofer Eini, chairman of the Histadrut labor federation, told Jewish leaders in New York on Wednesday not to underestimate the power of the BDS boycott movement, and pledged to speak as often as possible to combat its efforts to sow anti-Israel sentiment among international unions. Eini, who is also…

The Blair/Gaddafi relationship that reeked of death and torture

As Tony Blair prepares to visit Australia to share his invaluable lessons in killing Arabs and launching illegal wars – organised by one of the country’s largest Jewish families, the Pratts, who clearly love Blair for backing Israeli apartheid – it’s worth recalling what the former British Prime Minister has done. Here’s Gareth Pierce in…

Israel is doing wonderful job at playing with itself

Bradley Burston in Haaretz: Former Foreign Ministry director-general Alon Liel told Army Radio last week that at this point, “more than half” of Israel’s career diplomats disagree with the government’s actions, and that many feel that the government’s policies are leading to unprecedented isolation and de-legitimization of Israel.

Topple the Tyrants sends message to Saif Gaddafi

I salute this form of civil disobedience, public protest and act of solidarity with rebelling Libyans: It may be furnished, according to its new occupants, just as you would expect “when you have spent …£10m of blood money on a house”, but judging by the appearance mid-afternoon of a masked man in camouflage gear carrying…

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