Privatisation is a game the whole political and media elite can play

With the New South Wales election less than a month away and news that Serco is offering “advice” on the best way to privatise everything, Murdoch’s Australian today explains what may happen post 26 March. And note how conservatives use the word “reform” when they really mean sack public workers for “efficiency”: NSW Liberals leader…

Australian Jewish petition against the political manipulation of Islamophobia

The following statement is written by Ned Curthoys, a Research Fellow at the Australian National University, and is being circulated around Australia: As progressive Jewish Australians we are deeply disturbed by the recent outbreak of politically motivated attacks on asylum seeks and Muslims. As Jews we know that most of the criticisms being directed at…

Israel drives itself off a cliff and the Zionist lobby mumbles to itself

As the 2nd J Street conference finishes in Washington – where, despite the group’s conservatism, they were at least willing to engage in debate over BDS – the American Zionist community seem confused that many Jews at the event wanted justice for the Palestinians. This doesn’t make you a Jew-hater, by the way. Sigh: The…

Different kind of Libyan slice of life

What the Arab world is watching. George Hale uncovers a gem: Finally found the promo video Al-Arabiya has been playing every half hour or so for their new documentary… ”A trip through Gaddafi’s people’s republic.” Gorgeous music, and it sounds familiar. Know where I’ve heard it before?

Days in the life of a massive private contractor in Iraq

The truth: The federal government sued KBR Inc., the largest contractor in Iraq, on Thursday over what prosecutors say were improper charges to the Army for private security services. Houston-based KBR Inc. is a former subsidiary of Halliburton Co. It recently won a new contract potentially worth more than $2 billion for support work in…

Saudi royals stealing from the government they own

Corruption and brutality in Saudi Arabia; a revolution is sorely needed in that country. And once again, America’s complicity is clear for all to see: When Saudi King Abdullah arrived home last week, he came bearing gifts: handouts worth $37 billion, apparently intended to placate Saudis of modest means and insulate the world’s biggest oil…

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