What Edward Snowden revelations say about indy journalism

An insightful feature in the New York Times magazine by Peter Maass on the role played by film-maker Laura Poitras and journalist Glenn Greenwald when discovering Edward Snowden and reporting his invaluable NSA revelations: Poitras and Greenwald… are an especially dramatic example of what outsider reporting looks like in 2013. They do not work in a…

The Australian reviews Profits of Doom

The following review by Miriam Cosic appears in Rupert Murdoch’s Australian newspaper today: In his recent book What Money Can’t Buy: The Moral Limits of Markets, American philosopher Michael Sandel explores ethical realms subverted by economic models. It is a bravura critique but there are surprising gaps when it comes to the modern nation-state’s supposed…

Profits of Doom introductory chapter

My new book Profits of Doom is released officially today. There will be an avalanche of media and events in the coming weeks and months but in the meantime my publisher, Melbourne University Publishing, has published the introduction to the work. You can buy the book via Amazon and my publisher. Please read and share:…

Transparency required in journalism yet sorely lacking today

My following article appears in the Guardian today: Are mainstream journalists dedicated to journalism? This may seem like a strange question, especially since I’m a journalist myself, though independent and not tied to a corporate news organisation. We are bombarded with details that claim to inform us about the world. From war and peace to…

Julian Assange on fighting reach of the superpower

Typically tough piece by Julian Assange, published in the Guardian, that outlines the risks faced by every citizen around the world and why trusting state power is a fool’s game: The original cypherpunks were mostly Californian libertarians. I was from a different tradition but we all sought to protect individual freedom from state tyranny. Cryptography…

Edward Snowden in his own words

As the saga continues, and Ecuador now claims it was a “mistake” to assume the country would help the NSA contractor, the following statement, released via Wikileaks, has appeared: One week ago I left Hong Kong after it became clear that my freedom and safety were under threat for revealing the truth. My continued liberty…

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