What happens when Serco runs Christmas Island

The Refugee Action Collective just released this press statement that highlights the seeming inability or unwillingness of Serco and the Immigration Department to handle the influx of asylum seekers: At least one Tamil detainee has been seriously injured on Christmas Island as overcrowding in the tension centre has seen a series of fights erupt over…

The fallacy of “moderate” Middle East client states

This is what happens when Washington (and the West) gets into bed with fundamentalist misogynists. Israel calls Saudi Arabia “moderate” because it seemingly tolerates Zionist occupation: The US fears that Saudi Arabia, the world’s largest crude oil exporter, may not have enough reserves to prevent oil prices escalating, confidential cables from its embassy in Riyadh…

I was once a liberal Zionist then I realised I was a walking contradiction

Brian Walt, rabbi emeritus of Congregation Mishkan Shalom in Philadelphia, former executive director of Rabbis for Human Rights-North America and co-founder of Taanit Tzedek-Jewish Fast for Gaza, writes in Tikkun: For most of my life I have been a liberal Zionist. Since childhood my Judaism had always been connected with a progressive Zionism. In 1987,…

War, war and war; Israeli head calls for more of it

What a headline in Ynet: “Army Chief Ashkenazi: Prepare for all-out war“. This is code for the Arab world, in a country like Egypt, actually wanting to pick their own leaders and not be ruled by Zionist-friendly rulers. Get used to the new neighbourhood, Tel Aviv.

My Favourite Teacher book collection

We all have a mentor or somebody in life who has inspired us. I was asked to contribute to the just released book, My Favourite Teacher (New Press) on a person, when I was younger or today, who has shaped me. My chapter is about former journalist Margo Kingston, a woman who helped me realise…

Dear Antony, we hate you

I receive these kinds of messages many times every week. Usually anonymous (the bravery is staggering) and often from Jews. Feel the faux paranoia and victimhood. Zionism has deformed my people: The fight is on & the enemy doesn’t distinguish between Israeli Jews or the wider Jewish community. The hate is deep set & rising.…

Creating a generation of imprisoned minds

Just one more Arab who knows a few things about the US/Israeli backed dictatorship in Egypt. With no real democracy, what does this persecution do to the mind? In a small cell in Egypt‘s al-Marj prison, the BBC World Service brought encouraging news to Ayman Nofel. The senior Hamas commander from Gaza had just passed…

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