Twenty Years of the Afghan war

I’m excited to announce the launch of Twenty Years, a project more than two years in the making: Twenty Years is an artistic and journalistic project to assess the legacy of the post 9/11, US-led war in Afghanistan. Originally conceived in 2019 by journalist, author and film-maker Antony Loewenstein and artist Tia Kass alongside Afghans…

No more $ to the Iron Dome

A small but significant shift in the official US posture towards Israel with a number of US politicians refusing to give even more money to the Jewish state’s Iron Dome. My comments to Middle East Eye: Antony Loewenstein, an independent journalist who is writing a book on how Israel’s occupation has gone global, says that…

The warmth, memory and strength of Gaza

My essay, reportage and personal reflections about Gaza in US magazine The Markaz. The outlet is publishing an entire edition about Gaza, a Palestinian territory that’s routinely shunned, ignored and demonised in the West. Here’s the beginning of my piece (and read the whole thing): The Children Land’s Kindergarten sits in the Bedouin village of…

Al Jazeera English documentary, Under the Cover of Covid

This is our new film on Al Jazeera English for the People and Power documentary strand: a global investigation into the serious threats to civil liberties and free speech during Covid-19. Made with great UK film maker Dan Davies (of Black Leaf Films), we show how governments across the globe, focusing on Singapore, Israel, the UK and…

How the Jewish state increasingly has ties with the far-right

This week I spoke at a event organised by the Campaign Against Racism and Fascism on Israel and its growing ties with the global far-right. I explain how Israel’s permanent occupation is an inspiration for many nations now (and yes, this is also partly the subject of my next book out in 2023):

Investigating the War on Drugs: recommendations for the future

Here’s my keynote lecture at the 2021 Australian & New Zealand Addiction Conference on the Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia. I spoke around my 2019 book, “Pills, Powder and Smoke: Inside the Bloody War on Drugs“. The Australian & New Zealand Addiction Conference was hosted by the Australian & New Zealand Mental Health Association, a non-government,…

Rising Palestinian voices

My recent interview with Bay FM, a great community radio station in Byron Bay, Australia. The interviewer Fernando has constructed an interesting, podcast-style production on Israel/Palestine: BayFM 99.9 · Palestine Special with Mohammed & Muna El-Kurd and Antony Loewenstein 14.06.21

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