How the internet can threaten our freedom as we know it

Julian Assange talks to Democracy Now!: Human civilization has merged with the internet. Every society has gone onto the internet, with communications between all of us as individuals but also communications between businesses, economic transfers, and even the internal communications and external communications of states. So there is no barrier anymore between the internet and…

The American horror inflicted on Bradley Manning

If anybody doubts the brutality of the US “justice system” and the ways in which anybody deeply associated with Wikileaks is deemed an enemy of the state, the treatment of Bradley Manning is nothing less than torture. The reality of a tattered super-power. The Guardian reports: Shortly before… Bradley Manning… was arrested in Iraq under suspicion of…

“After Zionism” reviewed in Ceasefire

The following review of After Zionism by Hilary Aked appears in Ceasefire magazine: The editors of this collection of essays – a Palestinian refugee born in Gaza and now based in the USA and an Australian anti-Zionist Jew – say they collaborated on this book “because of a shared belief that Jews and Palestinians are…

#LeftTurn given a thorough and critical review

The following review appears in the Crikey blog Lit-icism: Guest post by Adam Brereton…  Antony Loewenstein and Jeff Sparrow, in the introduction to their new book… Left Turn: Political Essays For The New Left, invite the reader to imagine current examples in popular culture that envision a future ”˜in which the world to come is, in…

Private eyes are watching all of us

The idea that repression only happens “over there” is a myth that needs to be constantly challenged (my recent PEN lecture tackled this). Take this (via Pro Publica): Cellphone companies hold onto your location information for years and routinely provide it to police and, in anonymized form, to outside companies. As they note in their…

There is no Middle East “peace process”, then or now

Ben White in Al Jazeera kills it: Simply put, the “peace process” is used as a substitute for international law, rather than as a means to secure its implementation. Thus… accountability… for war crimes in Gaza is seen as a threat to the peace process, while for the Palestinians to go to the UN (putting aside that…

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