Sources trusting Wikileaks more than MSM

A question that should be asked. Why didn’t Rudolf Elmer hand over his supposedly vital banking documents to the mainstream media itself? Didn’t trust them? Had more faith in Wikileaks? Julian Assange, the WikiLeaks founder, today pledged to make public the confidential tax details of 2,000 wealthy and prominent individuals, after being passed the data…

US military overwhelmed with data but still murders civilians

This is progress? The intensity of warfare in the computer age is on display at a secret intelligence and surveillance installation at Langley Air Force Base in Virginia, a massive, heavily air-conditioned warehouse where hundreds of TVs hang from black rafters. Every day across the Air Force’s $5 billion global surveillance network, cubicle warriors review…

But, sputters Israel defender, we’re a lovely and free nation

How many Zionist lobbyists does it take to defend apartheid? Don’t answer that (hint: one). The ongoing saga of Sydney council Marrackville supporting BDS is slammed by defender of the occupation Anthony Orkin. What’s funny reading this delusion is how it could have been written decades ago. Occupation doesn’t exist. Israel’s growing descent into fascism…

Arabs would like freedom from us

Arab dictatorships are what the West likes very much. Compliant thugs who do as they’re told. We give them money and support and wonder why terrorism breeds. Robert Fisk issues caution over hoping the Arab world could reform post Tunisia: Yes, we would like a democracy in Tunisia – but not too much democracy. Remember…

The unholy alliance between the Australian government, Serco and Scientology

The shambles that is Australia’s immigration policy. Little transparency, people’s lives are simply something to be managed. By whom? Once again multinational Serco, with a record of abuses across the world, is running the show: A charity that recruits volunteers to run recreational activities at detention centres is on the brink of deregistration for failing…

Prepare for a big Wikileaks dump on banking corruption

Oh my: The offshore bank account details of 2,000 “high net worth individuals” and corporations – detailing massive potential tax evasion – will be handed over to the WikiLeaks organisation in London tomorrow by the most important and boldest whistleblower in Swiss banking history, Rudolf Elmer, two days before he goes on trial in his…

War crimes are the secrets nobody discusses

Sick of corporate journalists simply repeating government talking points? Are we “winning” the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan? The embedded mindset is alive and well. Dahr Jamail is a notable exception, independent reporter for years. Some choice comments from his recent interview with Truthout: A3N: How do they [mainstream media] address the argument that exposing…

Tunisia shows bankruptcy of US supporting brutes

Former long-time CIA officer Bruce Riedel wonders what the US should do in the Arab world in light of the upheavals in Tunisia. What about the people living in US-backed dictatorships across the region, or is the only concern how poor little Washington may handle it? Barack Obama’s challenge in Egypt will be to avoid…

Wikileaks shows up reporters over Afghan war

Once again, Wikileaks is doing the job that supposedly serious journalists should be doing; questioning a nation’s war mission: The publication now over 3,000 cables sent by US diplomats in The Hague to Washington is no coincidence, Julian Assange of the Wikileaks organisation, told Nos tv on Sunday. Dutch journalists approached Wikileaks looking for information…

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