NSW Greens MP explains why Wikileaks matters

Here’s the AAP story on today’s Wikileaks rally in Sydney: More than a thousand advocates of free speech have taken to the streets of Sydney in support of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange. Australian-born Mr Assange has enraged the United States by leaking American diplomatic cables that embarrassed world leaders. He is currently on bail in…

Notes from today’s speech in Sydney to support Wikileaks

Today’s rally in Sydney was a good event, attracting around 1000 people, all of whom wanted to show solidarity with what Wikileaks stands for; transparency and real free speech. My speech addressed the often complicity of the mainstream media in keeping government secrets away from the public. They want to be gate-keepers, close to power.…

What’s dead Afghans in the bigger picture of Afghan “liberation”?

The colonial mindset is a shocking thing to see. Here’s Paula Broadwell, a research associate at the Harvard Center for Public Leadership (her new book is All In: The Education of General David Petraeus) writing glowingly of American fire-power in Afghanistan. A “Destroying the village in order to save it” mentality. The West deserves to…

Why Wikileaks is so dangerous for the ruling class

Julian Assange speaks exclusively to John Pilger in this week’s New Statesman: I think what’s emerging in the mainstream media is the awareness that if I can be indicted, other journalists can, too. Even the New York Times is worried. This used not to be the case. If a whistleblower was prosecuted, publishers and reporters…

Wikileaks fight back

Good on them: “WikiLeaks condemns US embargo move” WikiLeaks today condemned calls from the chair of the House Committee on Homeland Security to “strangle the viability” of WikiLeaks by placing the publisher and its editor-in-chief, Julian Assange, on a US “enemies list” normally reserved for terrorists and dictators. Placement on the US “Specially Designated National…

Australian mainstream politician (“left-winger”) shows yet more love for Zionism

What an undignified state of affairs. Here’s Anthony Albanese, Australia’s federal minister for transport and infrastructure and the federal member for Sydney’s Grayndler, writing in today’s Australian about the supposed problems with the Sydney Marrickville council backing BDS. The piece is filled with mistakes, untruths and glaring omissions, such as: – Albanese is married to…

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