Who is Haaretz covering with unaccountable views?

Poor form, Haaretz. Ali Abunimah investigates for The Electronic Intifada: Haaretz has an international reputation as Israel’s most liberal and reliable newspaper. But The Electronic Intifada has discovered that one of the newspaper’s regularly-featured reporters, Cnaan Liphshiz, used his news reports for the publication to promote the agenda of an extreme pro-Israel group with which…

How hard is it to discuss Serco and refugee policy?

The corporate media is hopeless. Here’s a feature in today’s Australian newspaper about Christmas Island, the increasing crisis of refugees being overcrowded and residents getting upset over it all. But there’s no mention at all of Serco, the British multinational running the place, a firm integral to the institution. Not good enough: An Amnesty International…

Israel may have to attack Iran, Zionist leader tells obedient Murdoch typist

Hands up all those who like taking free trips to Israel organised by the Zionist lobby? The Sydney Morning Herald’s Lenore Taylor does and her recent column simply “reported” alarmist Israeli comments over the supposed threat of Iran. It wasn’t journalism; it was very effective stenography. No alternative voices were offered. Today, in Murdoch’s Australian,…

Times avoided Wikileaks scoops to avoid offending Jews

Nobody said the American media was brave. Here’s Assange speaking on Al-Jazeera: The Guardian, El-Pais and Le Monde have published only two percent of the files related to Israel due to the sensitive relations between Germany, France and Israel. Even New York Times could not publish more due to the sensitivities related to the Jewish…

Wikileaks was recently receiving 100k pounds a day

An expansive interview with Julian Assange in the Guardian that thankfully doesn’t obsess over the contested sex charges: Julian Assange said today that it would be “politically impossible” for Britain to extradite him to the United States, and that the final word on his fate if he were charged with espionage would rest with David…

Wikileaks will soon expose Zionism’s dirty little secrets

Enough with the conspiracy theories (aka Israel colluding with Wikileaks). The group will soon unload on Israel and it won’t be pretty: WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange said Wednesday that his website is due to release thousands of documents related to Israel, particularly dealing with the Mabhouh assassination in Dubai and the Second Lebanon War, Channel…

We are Israel and we build on Palestinian land

The true face of Israel is a colonising state: In the three months since Israel ended its settlement construction freeze in the West Bank, causing the Palestinians to withdraw from peace talks, a settlement-building boom has begun, especially in more remote communities that are least likely to be part of Israel after any two-state peace…

Americans think they’re special; we don’t

America, your perceived exceptionalism isn’t a view shared by millions of people who feel your freedom bombs dropping on their homes: Americans widely agree that the United States has a unique character because of its history and Constitution that sets it apart from other nations as the greatest in the world. This view, commonly referred…

So much for the kind Colombo junta

Prosecute the bastards: Aid workers said one in ten of the 280,000 civilian refugees who fled the Sri Lankan army’s final onslaught against the Tamil Tiger rebels had either lost limbs or been so badly injured they urgently needed prosthetic limbs or wheelchairs to regain their mobility. The disclosure of thousands of severely maimed and…

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