Hicks: Assange will never receive free trial in US

From a man who knows a few things about Australia abandoning its own citizens: Former…  Guantanamo Bay inmate David Hicks says WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange will never receive a fair trial if he is handed over to US authorities. Mr Hicks says he hopes the Australian government won’t abandon Mr Assange, as they did with…

Guess which state wants to copy dictatorships?

Looks like North Korea wants to bring in some legal reforms. Oh wait: The [Israeli] Ministerial Committee for Legislation approved a bill yesterday that would allow the state to prevent detainees suspected of security offenses from meeting with an attorney for up to one year. The bill, introduced by Public Security Minister Yitzhak Aharonovitch, aims…

BDS hits the Sydney suburbs

At Marrickville Council’s meeting last night [in inner Sydney], Greens, ALP… and an independent councillor united to adopt the following resolution moved by Greens Councillor Cathy Peters: “That: In particular recognition of its sister city relationship with Bethlehem and the strong support for this relationship from local progressive faith communities and other community members, Marrickville Council…

A disaster aka Afghanistan

The kind of letter that Western leaders need to read and appreciate. As the war in Afghanistan fails tragically, blood is on their hands for continuing to pursue imperial policies in a broken land: To the President of the United States: Mr. President, We have been engaged and working inside Afghanistan, some of us for…

The dirty footprints of Chalabi via Wikileaks

The role of Iraqi exile Ahmed Chalabi has fascinated me for years. The corporate press used him as a key source over Iraq’s alleged WMDs. Oops. Wikileaks delivers a little more: For Iraq-watchers, a tiny but enticing tidbit surfaced in a WikiLeaks cable from February 2004, 11 months after the U.S.-led invasion. It involved Ahmad…

We support Wikileaks

I was asked by US-based Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting to sign this important petition about defending the right of Wikileaks to exist and publish: As journalists, activists, artists, scholars and citizens, we condemn the array of threats and attacks on the journalist organization WikiLeaks. After the website’s decision, in collaboration with several international media…

Dud US view confirms Britain is equally blind

If the US thinks, according to the Wikileaks cables, that Britain has done a terrible job connecting with Muslims after the 7/7 attacks, how the hell is Washington viewed by the world when occupying Muslim lands and killing civilians on a daily basis? Seriously, our world is run by clueless clowns who think war will…

Michael Moore knows who the heroes are

Bravo: Yesterday, in the Westminster Magistrates Court in London, the lawyers for WikiLeaks co-founder Julian Assange presented to the judge a document from me stating that I have put up $20,000 of my own money to help bail Mr. Assange out of jail. Furthermore, I am publicly offering the assistance of my website, my servers,…

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