Friedman fears a nation with equal rights for all

New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman is a little worried that a one-state solution may be coming to the Middle East because both Israel and Palestine supposedly aren’t serious about building a two-state solution. Now whose fault would that be? Perhaps a US government (and Zionist lobby) who have indulged Zionist violence and settlements for…

What makes Assange tick from somebody who should know

Suelette Dreyfus collaborated with Julian Assange to write Underground, a 1997 book about hackers in Australia and across the world. She writes today in the Australian media about the motivations behind Wikileaks and gets inside the mind of Assange himself: If you want to improve the lot of the poorest, most oppressed people in the…

Hands up if you helped the US invade Iraq?

I often write about the embedded mindset of many in the mainstream media. It’s a curse but a way for many journalists to stay close to power. Both parties are well served. John Pilger, whose new film is The War You Don’t See, writes that establishment networks such as the BBC are often no better…

Avrum Burg: “Israel is mortally sick”

From the East Jerusalem Sheikh Jarrah protest website comes this: On Tuesday, 7.12, Israel took another step down… an alarming… slope. 50… state-employed rabbies issued a Hallakaic ban on selling or leasing… apartments or lands to non-Jews.… … The following day some 300 Sheikh Jarrah Solidarity Movement activists congregated outside of Jerusalem’s Great Synagogues to demand the immediate dissmisal of these…

Wikileaks dumps on slavish New Zealand leaders

More leaked Wikileaks cables show that Washington is constantly looking for compliant journalists and politicians: Leaked United States diplomatic cables explain why officials appear to have been caught on the hop last year when American Secretary of State Hillary Clinton announced the resumption of intelligence sharing between the two countries – the deal was supposed…

Kissinger relaxed about Jews being put in gas chambers

Henry Kissinger remains an icon for many in the world. Go figure; a man who bombed his way through South East Asia is allegedly a source of knowledge. This new revelation can only do the man harm: Richard M. Nixon made disparaging remarks about Jews, blacks, Italian-Americans and Irish-Americans in a series of extended conversations…

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