So many Jews are AWOL on Palestinian rights

To his credit, Roger Cohen highlights in the New York Times the ongoing denial of mainstream Zionist groups in the US: Ira Stup was raised in Philadelphia attending Jewish day school and camps. He found his home in the Jewish community and was “intoxicated with Jewish democracy” as framed in the ideals of Israel’s foundation.…

Russia Today TV on Wikileaks

I was interviewed by the Russian satellite TV channel RT about Wikleaks this week. We talked about the significance of the leaks on democracy, the Australian government’s woeful response and the responsibility of journalists to step up and challenge establishment power. [video: src=””]

US citizens need to realise Wikileaks significance

America under the Wikileaks spell: The reader response has been huge. Millions of page views. It’s divided between those focused on the phenomenon (WikiLeaks, our decision to report secret cables, the pursuit of Julian Assange) and those interested in the contents of the documents. The first camp outnumbers the second, and it is in turn…

Wikileaks, the Australian angle

Philip Dorling scored the exclusive Australian Wikileaks cables. He explains today how he did it: Getting to WikiLeaks’s secret headquarters took quite some time and was not without complications. This year a careful reading of statements by the WikiLeaks co-founder, Julian Assange, led me to conclude his small organisation had landed what could be the…

Guess which two countries are most angry towards Wikileaks?

Watch the world laugh at American reactions to Wikileaks (and Australia is of course following our Washington masters step by step): For many Europeans, Washington’s fierce reaction to the flood of secret diplomatic cables released by WikiLeaks displays imperial arrogance and hypocrisy, indicating a post-9/11 obsession with secrecy that contradicts American principles. While the Obama…

Sydney’s Daily Telegraph on big Sydney Wikileaks rally

Today’s big rally for Wikileaks in Sydney (I think around 2000 people were there) saw a wide cross section of people outraged with the intimidation of Wikileaks and Julian Assange and the Gillard government’s capitulation to American demands. I spoke and chaired the event. This story appears in the Daily Telegraph: Protestors today converged on…

Mubarak for life is Washington’s dream

This is the reality of US foreign policy in the Middle East. Dictatorships for life: Hosni Mubarak, Egypt‘s long-serving president, is likely to seek re-election next year and will “inevitably” win a poll that will not be free and fair, the US ambassador to Cairo, Margaret Scobey, predicted in a secret cable to Hillary Clinton…

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