The revealed bumbling steps of US policy

What emerges from the litany of Wikileaks cables is the ineptitude of American foreign policy, either jumping at shadows or trying to impose its bullying ways on the world, often unsuccessfully. One: Saudi Arabia proposed creating an Arab force backed by US and Nato air and sea power to intervene in Lebanon two years ago…

NSW Greens move forward with BDS embrace

The following statement was released by the NSW Greens yesterday: Israel: Greens NSW back international Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions Greens NSW State Council has agreed to back a series of military, trade and services boycotts of Israel and to support the growing international BDS (Boycott, Divestment & Sanctions) movement. Greens NSW Senator-elect Lee Rhiannon said,…

Canberra holds its nose and helps Assange a little

Well, bloody bravo: Kevin Rudd confirmed Australia was giving consular support to Julian Assange, the Australian-born founder of WikiLeaks who was arrested in Britain on Tuesday over alleged sexual assaults committed in Sweden. ”I’m the foreign minister of Australia, responsible for the consular well-being of all Australians and therefore I just want to make it…

Wikileaks in Catalan

I was interviewed today by a Spanish Catalan publication based in Barcelona about the Wikileaks scandal. For those a little rusty on the language (hands up who can understand this?) I talked about the authoritarian impulse in many Western governments: Julian Assange ja és en dependències judicials des de les 14 hores aproximadament, acompanyat dels…

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