Obama should resign, says Assange

Too right: President Barack Obama should resign if it can be shown that he approved spying by US diplomatic figures on UN officials, the founder of WikiLeaks said in an interview published Sunday. “The whole chain of command who was aware of this order, and approved it, must resign if the US is to be…

Australia likes the role of regional bully rather well

No wonder Australia is so upset over Wikileaks; released cables show a government keen to keep military options (aka US fire-power) on the table. And Canberra’s enthusiasm for special forces in Pakistan is another worrying sign that “fighting terrorism” knows no limits, legalities or bounds: Kevin Rudd warned Hillary Clinton to be prepared to use…

The deep love between Canada and Israel

Fascinating Al-Jazeera/Avi Lewis documentary on the incestuous relationship between Israel and Canada. Australia take note. Defending every Israeli action – war, occupation, humiliation – simply makes you look like a clueless idiot with no principle. But at least Washington will love you:

Scahill faces threats from deep inside the Empire

A revealing comment from Jeremy Scahill on Democracy Now! last week that highlights the establishment fear of fearless reporters doing their job: I wanted to also say, Amy, that after I did the story for The Nation in November 2009 talking about JSOC’s operations inside of Pakistan and the involvement of Blackwater, elite soldiers from…

Rajapaksa learns something about how he’s seen in civilised society

So close and yet: Tamil campaigners were stopped from serving a war crimes arrest warrant on a Sri Lankan general by his premature departure from Britain. An application was lodged at Horseferry Road magistrates court, central London, but inquiries by Scotland Yard established that he had left on Thursday night. Tamil groups blame the president,…

Why not bomb Syria?

This is mainstream media reporting. Anonymous voices advocating war and chaos in the Middle East, courtesy of Israel and the US: Syria’s fresh interference in Lebanon and its increasingly sophisticated weapons shipments to Hezbollah have alarmed American officials and prompted Israel’s military to consider a strike against a Syrian weapons depot that supplies the Lebanese…

PayPal takes the gutless option

First Amazon, now PayPal: PayPal has frozen WikiLeaks‘ account in the latest action against the whistleblower website, which has been posting leaked US embassy cables online. The decision by the online payment site – which WikiLeaks had used to raise funds for web hosting and other costs – has been announced with a posting on…

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