Disaster Capitalism film now on Vimeo

My 2018 documentary, Disaster Capitalism, continues to resonate. I’ll be speaking about its ongoing importance, and how disaster capitalism is surging during Covid-19, at an online event on 3 September. The film is already available on multiple streaming platforms and can now be rented and bought on Vimeo: Disaster Capitalism from Media Stockade on Vimeo.

Covid-19 welcomes disaster capitalists

I recently spoke at Virtual Progress 2020, a conference on civil rights and progressive politics. I talked about disaster capitalism. I was then interviewed by Australian outlet Right Now about these issues. Sarah Joseph conducted the interview: Antony Loewenstein has spent the past decade following corporations around the world, examining how they cash in on…

LSE tackles Pills, Power and Smoke

Happy to see another (relatively positive) book review of my latest book, Pills, Powder and Smoke: Inside the Bloody War on Drugs, just published in the London School of Economics by Alessandro Ford. The book was released in the UK in late 2019 so it’s pleasing to see it still being discussed (after all, the…

Synthetic drugs are here and surging

Synthetic drugs are here and the future of drug taking and trafficking. I’m quoted in this UK Telegraph story today about a massive shipment of amphetamine drug Captagon that was discovered in Italy: Watch_ Italian police seize 14 tonnes of ‘jihad drug’ pills worth €1 billion after they were shipped from Syria Here’s my full…

What will Europe do if Israel starts annexing?

As Israel flirts with annexing parts of the West Bank, Europe’s likely response is weak (at best). Global broadcaster TRT World asked me about this issue: Israel has occupied Palestinian land for over 50 years and Europe has barely mustered more than a few terse statements in opposition,” Antony Loewenstein, an independent journalist and filmmaker…

Bring Julian Assange home

I’ve been a supporter of Wikileaks since its inception in 2006. It’s been a wild ride, full of challenges and exhilaration. Right now, the life of founder Julian Assange is in danger so I’m happy to have signed a letter, alongside other prominent Australian writers and journalists, asking Australia’s Foreign Minister Marise Payne to take…

The drug war = class war

My interview in UK newspaper Morning Star about my drug war book, Pills, Powder and Smoke: Inside the Bloody War on Drugs. The interview was conducted by writer Miles Ellingham: Independent, investigative journalist and author, Antony Loewenstein has been a maverick player on the left-field of journalism for almost 15 years, reporting on the Israel-Palestine…

War on drugs will continue long after Covid-19 is done

What’s happening to the drug war during Covid-19 and where will it lead once it’s over? My essay/analysis for British outlet Unherd: The image was startling in its brazenness and simplicity. The convicted Mexican drug cartel head Joaquín “El Chapo” Guzmán is in a maximum security prison in the US, but his daughter, Alejandrina Guzmán,…

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