Australia should consider why we’re selling our precious soil

Food security and the selling off of Australia’s farmland to the highest bidder is finally starting to get some mainstream media attention: Much of the dairying industry, from farm gate to supermarket shelves, was carved up by Japan, Europe and New Zealand over the previous decade. It all suggests that other countries are far more…

What a bankrupt war breeds

The massive growth in private mercenary companies since 9/11 is exposed with yet another investigation. But the end result? More outsourcing to unaccountable companies who are desperate for wars to continue and expand. Killing is a good business: An Australian-owned security company has been accused of a litany of abuses in Afghanistan – including theft…

British Zionist figure says something truthful about Israel

The fact that people are shocked, just shocked, that a Jewish leader would speak honestly about the true state of Israel shows how utterly constipated is the debate over the Middle East in the Jewish Diaspora: One of British Jewry’s most senior leaders this week shattered a longstanding taboo by publicly criticising Israeli Prime Minister…

Documentary evidence of Israeli intransigence (and the world shrugs)

This Australian mini-documentary on the West Bank city of Hebron first screened in 1996. Nothing has changed since except life for Palestinians has worsened. Rampant, Zionist racism has increased, the IDF continues to protect the handful of settlers and a few brave souls campaign against this outrage. Don’t tell me that Israel is serious about…

Bibi laughs at Obama and he still asks for more

This is what it’s come to. American desperation, Zionist arrogance and absolutely nothing towards peace: National Security Adviser Uzi Arad said Saturday in an interview with Channel 2 that an interim agreement with the Palestinians cannot be ruled out. “It is unclear whether we have a partner for a permanent agreement,” said Arad, who accompanied…

Rupert is sending “Satan worship” into Iran

Tehran fears cultural imperialism but they just end up looking like paranoid and bigoted fools: In little more than a year, the Persian-language satellite television channel beamed into Iran by Rupert Murdoch’s News Corporation and a prominent Afghan family has rapidly become one of the most popular stations in the country. A little too popular,…

Privatising education in Britain (should not be the future and yet)

From the Times Higher Education supplement: No one is suggesting that Sir Michael or Sands put the interests of their employer, or former employer, first. But the Browne Review does symbolise and sanction an insidious aspect of the wider privatisation process, which brings into education-policy formation management consultancies whose policy fixes, although discussed as “improvements”…

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