What’s some Muslim bashing for the Zionist lobby?

Oh dear: A major Zionist organization has withdrawn an advertisement because it featured images mocking the torture of prisoners at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq. The United Israel Appeal (New South Wales) – Keren Hayesod last week withdrew the ad for a young adult UIA event, which was issued as a press release as well…

Robotic and privatised warriors make war far too easy

Malcolm O’Neill, the assistant secretary of the US Defence Force’s Acquisition, Logistics and Technology division: I see in the future a US army with 547,000 active soldiers like we have today and 547,000 ranger buddies – wingmen that would hopefully go into combat with them and hopefully stand in front of them and sacrifice their…

Chinese are far more resourceful online than most in the West

The Columbia Journalism Review explains that China isn’t simply an authoritarian state where freedoms are suppressed: The resourceful ways that Chinese netizens have responded to the social injustices that surround them and to the limitations of their country’s carefully censored press, and indeed the sheer pace of change in this world, highlight one of the…

Washington’s global footprint is as subtle as the BFG

We often hear about the military industrial complex, but what does it mean in practice? Exhibit number one: The construction projects are sprouting like mushrooms: walled complexes, high-strength weapons vaults, and underground bunkers with command and control capacities — and they’re being planned and funded by a military force intent on embedding itself ever more…

John and Julie in Alaska are paying for Israeli apartheid

What Israeli “democracy” is all about, funded by the US taxpayer: Travelers along the “original” West Bank roads, the ones enabling drivers to bypass Palestinian villages, can see signs declaring “USAID from the American People.” The roads are one of the initiatives of the United States Agency for International Development for building infrastructure in underdeveloped…

As if Friedman isn’t Israel’s best bloody friend

Read this for a laugh. A cover story in leading Israeli daily Ma’ariv slams New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman for being too critical of Israel and “jealous” of Netanyahu: You, Mr Friedman, are no Grossman and no Barnea. You’re just an American journalist. There are hundreds and thousands like you the world over. Many…

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