Madness is still an option

Some Bush-fellaters are devastated that the American people have rejected their hero (and actually claim that another terrorist attack on the US mainland is now more likely. Really.) Meanwhile, leading Australian academic Scott Burchill provides some historical perspective on the Iraq dilemma facing John Howard: Prime Minister Howard now argues that a withdrawal of coalition…

Formulating a response

The Australian Labor Party may be starting to tackle the Howard government over Iraq, but what is the strategy for Afghanistan? Scott Burchill, senior lecturer in International Relations in the School of International & Political Studies at Deakin University, asks the hard questions of both the Howard government and Labor opposition: What is your exit…

We are terror

Today is the fifth anniversary of September 11. Many advocates of American imperialism still live with their delusions of Bush grandeur. Debate within Western nations about terrorism still remains infantile, however. “We” are noble and “they” are barbaric. Scott Burchill, Senior Lecturer in International Relations in the School of International & Political Studies at Deakin…

The obedient, little Zionist

Ted Lapkin is Director of Policy Analysis for AIJAC, Australia’s more virulent Zionist lobby. Lapkin’s worldview is best described as militarist and he’s a strong believer in Israel as a victim in the heart of a dangerous Middle East. He’s as useful to the Zionist cause as Daniel Pipes. Dr Andrew Vincent is the director…

Hard choices time

Khalid Mish’al is head of the political bureau of Hamas. He writes in yesterday’s Guardian: “Our message to the Israelis is this: we do not fight you because you belong to a certain faith or culture. Jews have lived in the Muslim world for 13 centuries in peace and harmony; they are in our religion…

Against “pragmatism”

The following editorial appeared in the Australian on January 20 and discussed Indonesia’s role in the attempted genocide of East Timor and Western complicity in the slaughter. Scott Burchill, Senior Lecturer in International Relations in the School of International & Political Studies at Deakin University, has annotated the editorial and his comments appear in red:…

Ariel Sharon’s war

My first New Matilda column for 2006 evaluates the mainstream media’s whitewashing of Sharon’s legacy: “The Australian media’s coverage of Sharon’s demise reveals a predictable line. With notable dissenters such as Deakin University’s Scott Burchill – who explained to readers of the Australian that Sharon was in fact an unindicted war criminal – the media…

Perspective received

Scott Burchill introduces some perspective to the legacy of Ariel Sharon: “Current orthodoxy paints Sharon as a “warrior statesman” who courageously returned the Gaza Strip to the Palestinians and was preparing to make further “painful and generous concessions” on the West Bank before being cut down by a stroke. Dubbed “a man of peace” by…

Moving on

My latest New Matilda column discusses the increasing necessity to ignore the mainstream media and source our information elsewhere: “Scott Burchill, senior lecturer in International Relations at Deakin University, recently in Margo Kingston’s Webdiary described the problem of insider journalism as an ‘intoxication of power:’ “‘Whereas in the past, the independence and integrity of journalists…

Shaking the tree

Rupert Murdoch’s Australian is a shameless apologist for Israeli terror. Today, Foreign Editor Greg Sheridan continues the delusions and praises the Australian government for taking a brave stand for Israel at the UN: “The [Prime Minister John] Howard-[Foreign Minister Alexander] Downer duumvirate in Australian foreign policy has changed our position on the Middle East at…

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