The world is in lockdown but Guinea-Bissau remains global drug hub

My recently released book, Pills, Powder and Smoke: Inside the Bloody War on Drugs, investigates the reality of the West African country of Guinea-Bissau and its central role as a cocaine transit hub. I further reported on the issue for Vice in late 2019. Now, in a new report in the Portuguese newspaper Publico, that…

How international law fails Palestine

During the Coronavirus outbreak, “normal” Middle Eastern politics are less discussed in the media and yet Israel’s occupation of Palestine is just as brutal as ever. My interview with US outlet Fair Observer about Trump’s recent Middle East “peace deal”, the reality on the ground in Palestine and possible points of leverage for Palestinians. Here’s…

ABC Radio National discussion with Yanis Varoufakis on disaster capitalism

I recently spoke at the Adelaide Writer’s Festival talking about Palestine, my recent book, Pills, Powder and Smoke: Inside the Bloody War on Drugs, and disaster capitalism with former Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis. My events can be heard here and here. My conversation with Varoufakis was recently broadcast on Australia’s ABC Radio National Big…

US outlet Alternet positively reviews Pills, Powder and Smoke

US outlet Alternet reviews my book, Pills, Powder and Smoke: Inside the Bloody War on Drugs. The review is by Phillip Smith: America shows signs of emerging from the century-long shadow of drug prohibition, with marijuana leading the way and a psychedelic decriminalization movement rapidly gaining steam. It also seems as if the mass incarceration fever…

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