Israel knows military strike against Iran futile

Wikileaks breaks through Zionist propaganda that has long threatened Tehran with annihilation: Senior defense officials ruled out an Israeli military attack on Iran’s nuclear sites as early as five and a half years ago, telegrams sent from the U.S. embassy in Tel Aviv in 2005 and 2006 indicate. The cables, which were revealed over the…

Just to confirm; Israel can only survive with Arab dictatorships

Yet more evidence: The Bahraini King bragged about intelligence contacts with Israel, and instructed that official statements stop referring to Israel as the “Zionist entity,” according to the latest trove of documents revealed by WikiLeaks. On February 15, 2005, U.S. ambassador to Bahrain William Monroe met with the leader of the small kingdom, Hamad ibn…

How on earth would Zionism thrive without brutish mates?

Wikileaks shows us more: Mohammed Tantawi, the head of Egypt’s ruling generals, was an obstacle to Israeli efforts to stop arms smuggling within the Gaza strip, according to Israeli security forces. The assessment was privately delivered to US diplomats, alongside praise for former intelligence chief Omar Suleiman’s efforts to stop weapons trafficking, according to the…

Gaddafi loved by the West so very recently

One: Scientists from Britain and America visited the chemical weapons facility as it was being built in August 2006. Nine months later Prime Minister Tony Blair met Col Gaddafi in Libya and set in motion the eventual release of the Lockerbie bomber Abdelbaset el-Megrahi. The cable, a copy of which was leaked to the WikiLeaks…

Bradley Manning is suffering so stand up for him

At least a few are but where are the major political and media elites? Silence: British diplomats will express with officials in Washington for a second time MPs’ concerns about the treatment of a US soldier charged with leaking thousands of sensitive cables to WikiLeaks, the government has confirmed. Foreign Office minister Henry Bellingham said…

Even the Bush cabal knew Gitmo was breaking laws

Yet more evidence that Washington is a law unto itself: The Bush administration was so intent on keeping Guantanamo detainees off U.S. soil and away from U.S. courts that it secretly tried to negotiate deals with Latin American countries to provide “life-saving” medical procedures rather than fly ill terrorist suspects to the U.S. for treatment,…

We were for Gaddafi just before we were against him

Thank you, Wikileaks: Following a meeting in Tripoli between Libyan leader Colonel Qaddafi, his son Muatassim and a United States Congressional delegation led by Senators John McCain and Joe Lieberman on 14 August 2009, the American embassy classified diplomatic cable to Secretary of State Hilary Clinton highlighted the close working relationship both nations enjoy to…

Bibi spins on CNN while Gaza continues to burn

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu speaks to CNN and lies by saying his country lifted all the restrictions on Gaza (truth here) and the left is now working with radical Islamists to bring down the Zionist state. Ah, Bibi, I’m sure the Zionist lobby still loves you but nobody else accepts your delusions and occupying…

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