Saudi royals stealing from the government they own

Corruption and brutality in Saudi Arabia; a revolution is sorely needed in that country. And once again, America’s complicity is clear for all to see: When Saudi King Abdullah arrived home last week, he came bearing gifts: handouts worth $37 billion, apparently intended to placate Saudis of modest means and insulate the world’s biggest oil…

What the West saw in Gaddafi was oil and torture

The US had no issue with Gaddafi’s brutality and corruption as long as the oil kept flowing. Fossil fuel hunger has turned us into leeches: After New Year’s Day 2009, Western media reported that Seif al-Islam el-Qaddafi, a son of the Libyan leader Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi, had paid Mariah Carey $1 million to sing just…

How Washington looks for pliable Latin American allies

Wikileaks strikes again: Paraguay president Fernando Lugo, a center-left politician who was elected to office in April 2008, was seen as a potential ally to the U.S. by the U.S. embassy in Asuncion, so long as he had “more than just a little help from ’upstairs’ to govern as president” which Lugo was apparently willing…

Rest assured, Mubarak regime saw Obama as a friend

One of the latest Wikileaks cables just released, from January 2009, makes that clear: The Egyptian leadership is taking notice of, and welcoming, President Obama’s recent outreach to Egypt, and focus on the Middle East peace process. Safwat El Sherif, the powerful secretary-general of the ruling National Democratic Party and speaker of the Shura Council…

Finland wants to kill Muslims to get far with UN

Thank you, Wikileaks: According to Wikileaks cables acquired by YLE, Finland has made deals to exchange votes with other countries in an effort to get a place on the United Nations Security Council. If Israel votes for Finland to join the Security Council in 2013, then Finland will vote for Israel to join in 2019.…

US definition of web freedom; content that we like

How noble is the Obama administration, pledging to support citizens in repressive regimes (many of which are run by US-backed thugs but why quibble with such details?): Days after Facebook and Twitter added fuel to a revolt in Egypt, the Obama administration plans to announce a new policy on Internet freedom, designed to help people…

Dershowitz joins Assange team

Loathing Palestinians is clearly no barrier to assisting the US case of Julian Assange: Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz has joined the legal defense team for Wikileaks founder Julian Assange. The announcement–which came via a Tweeted… press release Monday afternoon–took place a… day ahead of the first showdown over Wikileaks in a U.S. courtroom: a hearing set…

Saluting Green Left Weekly’s 20th anniversary

Such alternative press is vital in an age where the mainstream media largely speaks for corporate interests: One of the despairs of our time is a corporate media that speaks for authority and power, rarely for its readers and viewers. One of the excitements of our time is the means by which we can now…

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