The forgotten Iranian refugees trapped on Nauru

Investigation in the Sydney Morning Herald/Melbourne Age… co-written with Saba Vasefi (with more details, photos and letters): On the first day of the year in Nauru, Iranian refugee Bita* sent a damning letter to the Australian Border Force (ABF) accusing it of “barbarism”. She had been refused resettlement in the United States and demanded an end…

Israel selling decades of occupation knowledge to any bidder

My first essay for The New York Review of Books: Speaking recently to an audience in Tel Aviv via satellite from Moscow soon after the murder… of the journalist Jamal Khashoggi in the Saudi consulate in Istanbul, National Security Agency whistleblower Edward Snowden alleged that Saudi Arabia had used… Israeli-made spyware to track Khashoggi’s movements before his…

Australian corporate complicity globally

This week the Human Rights Law Centre in Australia released a stunning report on Australian companies behaving badly around the world. One focus is in Bougainville, Papua New Guinea, where my book and film on disaster capitalism examines Rio Tinto’s destructive mining practices, and I’m honoured to have some contributed some photos to the report.

Talking to Poland on aid, disaster capitalism and giving with purpose

I was recently interviewed by Poland’s biggest media organisation about my work around disaster capitalism (both the book and film). The conversation covered Afghanistan, Haiti, aid, US foreign policy, Trump and what journalism should be (hint: challenging those in power). It was great to engage with an audience that in the West is increasingly viewed…

Strong review of the documentary, Disaster Capitalism

My film Disaster Capitalism, with director Thor Neureiter and co-producers Media Stockade, has screened around the world this year (with more to come including an invitation to a major human rights film festival in the US in early 2019).…  After one of the recent screenings in Sydney, this review by Jim Mcllroy appeared in Green…

Interview on US radio station Loud and Clear on climate change

I was interviewed late last week by the US radio program, Loud and Clear, from Washington DC: In today’s episode of Loud & Clear, Brian Becker and John Kiriakou are joined by Fred Magdoff, professor emeritus of plant and soil science at the University of Vermont, and Antony Loewenstein, an independent journalist and author of…

Speech at Palestine Addressing the World conference in Istanbul, Turkey

Last weekend I was invited to speak at a big Palestine conference in Istanbul, Turkey. Palestine Addressing the World brought speakers from over 60 countries across the world – one of the keynote speakers was going to be Saudi journalist… Jamal Khashoggi, murdered by the Saudi government in Istanbul – and nearly 1000 participants. It was…

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