Exclusive investigation on Blackwater founder Erik Prince wanting to exploit Afghan resources

My year-long investigation in TRT World, the global news network that reaches 260 million people in 190 countries, about Blackwater founder Erik Prince and his attempts to exploit Afghan minerals (plus here’s background to the making of this story that continues to… reverberate around the world): The founder of the notorious, and now defunct, Blackwater, has…

How to fight the toxic culture wars and win

My book review appears in the… Weekend Australian newspaper with the great headline: “What did you do in the culture wars, daddy-o?: As soon as Donald Trump unexpectedly won the White House in 2016, commentators and instant experts claimed it was because of economic anxiety. White, working-class Americans voted for the Republican candidate in greater numbers…

Censored Al-Jazeera film on Israel lobby reveals important truths

My following essay appears in the Israel/Palestine news outlet +972 magazine:…  There’s a moment near the end of the four-part, Al Jazeera documentary on the U.S. Israel lobby —… censored by its own network due to pressure from the U.S. government and incensed U.S.-based, pro-Israel lobbyists — where the show’s undercover reporter, “Tony,” films a key…

What does disaster capitalism really look like in the 21st century?

In the last 7+ years, I’ve been investigating and reporting on disaster capitalism around the world. This culminated in my book, Disaster Capitalism: Making A Killing Out Of Catastrophe, and the documentary, Disaster Capitalism. There’s a great, long essay in the US magazine Public Books about disaster capitalism in the modern age, written by US…

From New Orleans to Puerto Rico, vulture companies run rampant

Too often after natural disasters, corporations are looking to make a profit. I was interviewed by the US magazine Ark Republic about this issue in a story written by Jesse Shramenko. Extracts below: Antony Loewenstein, a Jerusalem-based freelance journalist, writer and documentarian made the film, Disaster Capitalism, to address the direction of development in Haiti,…

Holding airlines to account for deporting refugees

I was happy to sign this recent statement and campaign run by the Australasian Centre for … Corporate Responsibility:…  The position of airlines in respect of participation in forced deportations to danger is clear. Under the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, the corporate responsibility to respect human rights means taking measures to…

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