Pulling back the official curtain

Wikileaks hits the jackpot again: Wikileaks has released nearly a billion dollars worth of quasi-secret reports commissioned by the United States Congress. The 6,780 reports, current as of this month, comprise over 127,000 pages of material on some of the most contentious issues in the nation, from the U.S. relationship with Israel to abortion legislation.…

We kill to liberate, clearly

Wikileaks shames the vast majority of mainstream journalists once again by releasing thousands of pages of active insurgency and counterinsurgency doctrine from the US, UK and Indian military. The conclusions? When “we” commit terrorism, it’s self-defence. When “they” do it, it’s terrorism. As usual, most corporate journalists simply republish whatever the Pentagon gives them. They…

Far from universal or united

A dysfunctional organisation, often the only body to at least try and solve the world’s problems, is painfully inadequate: Wikileaks has released over 600 United Nations investigative reports, over 70 of which are classified “Strictly Confidential”. The reports expose matters from allegations of hundreds of European peace-keepers abusing refugee girls to generals in Peru using…

Is this future of our society?

A key Wikileaks editorial: British courts continue to disgrace Enlightenment values. This month saw a secret UK court hearing, with secret participants, produce a secret order to secretly gag the population, the terms of which are secret and the revelation of which is punishable by upto 15 years of imprisonment. How many of these orders…

The hammer approach

Wikileaks has released the secret internet censorship lists of Thailand’s Ministry of Information and Communication Technology (MICT). The list was obtained by advisory board member CJ Hinke, director of Freedom Against Censorship Thailand. The 1,203 newly blocked websites are located in Australia, Brazil, Canada, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Hungary, India, Ireland, Israel, Italy,…

Working for the enemy

Wikileaks releases yet another essential document from the “war on terror.” The Human Terrain Team Handbook is used by the US military to allegedly intergrate into various foreign lands: According to the handbook, HTTs [Human Terrain Teams] are 5-9 person intelligence teams made up of serving military, contractors and “academicians”. The teams are designed to…

Only helping the rich

Be afraid (if you’re in the developing world): On 14 August, this World Health Organisation draft on pandemic flu preparedness was leaked on Wikileaks. This passage is perhaps most striking: ”˜global influenza vaccine manufacturing capacity is insufficient to meet demand in a pandemic and [”¦] in the absence of a multilateral system of benefit sharing,…

Chaos limited

So, the Iraq war was launched by the Bush administration thanks to a forged letter (according to a new book in the US.) And now, due to Wikileaks, more essential background: “The legal basis for the war itself was, and still is, controversial. There is a military need, at least, at the outset of operations…

How to kill those terrorist types

Wikileaks releases the UK Counter Insurgency Operations Doctrine 2007 that “details British counter-insurgency operations in a number of conflicts, including Northern Island”: In the past many terms have been used to describe those opposing the established authorities, terms such as guerrilla, revolutionary, terrorist, dissident, rebel, partisan, native and enemy all spring to mind. In order…

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