Boycotting companies making money from immigration detention

My column in the Guardian: The Australian maintenance, construction and detention centre company Transfield Services officially… changed… its name last month, to Broadspectrum. The firm claimed it was “a better representation of the company’s business”. Clearly there was an element of necessity too: the corporation’s founding members… withdrew permission… to use the Transfield name and logo over ongoing allegations…

Explaining disaster capitalism and why it's a threat

After my recent UK and US media tour for Disaster Capitalism, I wrote a post for my publisher Verso: Antony Loewenstein, author of… Disaster Capitalism: Making A Killing Out Of Catastrophe,… rounds-up a series of op-eds in response to the ever-worsening global emergency of crisis-profiteering. Loewenstein’s analysis of contemporary news items offers a coherent frame for understanding…

Britain's Novara Media TV interview on Disaster Capitalism

Novara Media is one of Britain’s most interesting new independent media outlets with a large reach (I was interviewed by its radio station recently). Here’s an online video interview on my new book, Disaster Capitalism, that tackles journalism, privatised immigration and democracy:

Rolling Stone interview about disaster capitalism

I’ve been interviewed by US Rolling Stone magazine by journalist Elisabeth Garber-Paul: Australian journalist Antony Loewenstein recently made the 30-hour trip from South Sudan to New York City after spending the better part of a year in the world’s newest nation, which he calls both “broken” and “a pretty fascinating place.” “It’s easily dismissed as…

London radio Novara FM on Disaster Capitalism

Yesterday I was interviewed in London by Aaron Bastani from Novara FM. Perceptive and curious, Novara Media is one of Britain’s most interesting and progressive media outlets. During the interview we spoke about my new book, Disaster Capitalism, the state of the media and funding investigative and independent journalism:

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