Some home truths about dictatorial South Sudan

My following letter was published this week in South Sudan’s newest newspaper, The National Today, and the editors both published my photo without permission or accreditation and edited out my criticisms of the country’s brutish government. Furthermore, some of the edits below don’t make sense but I’ll leave them in for your reading pleasure. Welcome…

The importance of creating a one-state solution in Palestine

My book review in Electronic Intifada: The Re-Emergence of the Single State Solution in Palestine/Israel… by Cherine Hussein (Routledge, 2015) The death of the… two-state solution… for Israel and Palestine has been a long time coming. Israeli journalist… Avi Issacharoff… recently… wrote in… The Times of Israel… that the settler movement had “won.” “No Palestinian state will exist here beside the State of…

On Bernie Sanders and ending privatised prisons and detention camps

My column in the Guardian: US Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders is… on the warpath… against private prison contractors. “Corporations should not be allowed to make a profit by building more jails and keeping more Americans behind bars,” he wrote on… Facebook… in August. The following month he introduced a bill in the Senate, the justice is not for…

Remembering Jimmy Mubenga and the "outsourcing of violence"

Verso is the publisher of my new book, Disaster Capitalism, and this week… issued the following: Jimmy Mubenga… died of cardiac arrest whilst… waiting… to be… deported… on board an Angola-bound plane at Heathrow airport on 12 October 2010. Fellow passengers… heard Mubenga scream, “I can’t breathe” as he was restrained and… pinned down in his seat.… G4S guards forced his head down and…

Mondoweiss reviews Disaster Capitalism

The great US website Mondoweiss reviews my new book, Disaster Capitalism; the review is by James North: The Australian writer Antony Loewenstein is no stranger to this site. His incisive, courageous questioning of pro-Israel orthodoxy… got our attention… back in 2007, and he has published two well received books on the subject:… My Israel Question,… and… After Zionism, (which he…

US radio WortFM interview on Disaster Capitalism

Last week I was interviewed by Wort FM based in Madison, Wisconsin on all aspects of my new book, Disaster Capitalism: Making A Killing Out Of Catastrophe: [soundcloud][/soundcloud]

Democracy Now! interview on Disaster Capitalism

Last week I appeared on the wonderful US TV/radio show in New York, Democracy Now! talking about my new book, Disaster Capitalism, and the film in progress of the same name: AMY… GOODMAN:… This is… Democracy Now!,,… The War and Peace Report. I’m Amy Goodman. When disaster strikes, who profits? That’s the question asked by journalist Antony Loewenstein…

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