Obama’s Wikileaks executive order that guarantees more secrecy

A government that truly believes in transparency would behave in the opposite way, reducing the increasingly secretive nature of officialdom. Obama fail: By executive order, President Obama will instruct federal agencies today to better safeguard their classified secrets, to set up internal audit systems, and to make sure that reluctance to share critical intelligence in…

Wikileaks reveals US helping maintain siege against Gaza

Well after Barack Obama came into power, this cable from August 2008 proves that Washington had every intention of helping its close friends; the dictatorship of Egypt and occupying Israel: Since the Egyptian-brokered “tahdiya” (“calming”) between Israel and Palestinian groups in Gaza took effect June 19, rocket attacks from Gaza have decreased, and Israeli public…

Wikileaks has shown us a world we need to know

Wikileaks has its share of critics – the organisation is too centred around Julian Assange and a personality-type cult exists – but surely the vast bulk of information the group has released since 2006 makes it a major force for good (not least because it’s forced governments and many journalists on the defensive about their…

Wikileaks reveals Israeli company loving “war on terror” (aka targeting Muslims makes us good money)

9/11 happens. An already large privatised security industry massively expands. Israel is the supposed expert on such matters (being good at racial profiling and killing Arabs whilst damaging the security prospects and future of the state). Wikileaks releases a document from March 2008 that highlights just one company looking to make a fortune from this…

Wikileaks claims Tamils want justice but autocratic state making that impossible

As Sri Lanka continues to face justified international pressure over war crimes against Tamils committed during the country’s civil war, a recently released Wikileaks cable alleges the Tamil population inside the country fears even raising accountability issues. That’s quite some democracy: In a comment dated 15.01.2010, US ambassador Patricia Butenis noted the Tamils in Sri…

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