Articles in The Guardian

Blogging against Mubarak

My following article appeared in yesterday’s Guardian Comment is Free section: In mid-June 2005, US secretary of state Condoleezza Rice delivered a speech at the American University in Cairo. She said that her country’s pursuit of Middle East “stability” had led to a democracy deficit in the region. “Now, we are taking a different course.…

Getting connected

My following article appeared in yesterday’s Guardian Comment is Free section: Cuba is the least technologically connected country in Latin America, falling way behind in mobile phone and internet penetration. The Castro regime has blamed the long-standing US embargo for the communication restrictions – and must utilise satellite technology as a result – but the…

Voices from Australia

My following article appears in today’s Guardian Comment is Free section: The recent launch of Independent Jewish Voices – a British group dedicated to alternative Jewish perspectives on the Israel/Palestine conflict – caused robust debate around the world. Prominent public figures such as Nobel prize winner Harold Pinter, comedian Stephen Fry, filmmaker Mike Leigh and…

Stand by your man

My following article appears in yesterday’s Guardian Comment is Free section: In the days before the 2003 Iraq invasion, the Australian prime minister, John Howard, committed the country to war with a majority of citizens against the deployment. Howard said that, “the government strongly believes that the decision it has taken is right, it is…

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