Middle East in Focus radio on disaster capitalism

My new book, Disaster Capitalism: Making A Killing Out Of Catastrophe, is now out and last week I was interviewed by the great Californian radio show, Middle East in Focus. We talked about war contractors making money in Afghanistan, privatised immigration centres in America and beyond:

Disaster capitalism surrounds us every day

My story in Al Jazeera America: When an earthquake struck Nepal in April, thousands of locals died in the carnage. But many foreigners had far more luck as members of Global Rescue, a company committed to rescuing its clients from dangerous environments. “Why shouldn’t we be able to hire private armies to ensure our safe…

The Lahore Times reviews "Disaster Capitalism"

The following review of my newly released book is written by Robert J. Burrowes and appears in The Lahore Times: In his just-released book, ”˜Disaster Capitalism: Making a Killing out of Catastrophe”˜, Antony Loewenstein offers us a superb description of the diminishing power of national governments and international organisations to exercise power in the modern…

How little we know about the Western war against ISIS

My story in the Guardian: We don’t know whether the Australian military has killed or injured civilians in Iraq, and if so, how many. Since Canberra joined the US-led mission against the… Islamic State (Isis) on 8 October 2014, the Australian Defence Force (ADF) has provided barely any information about its operations. So the new report…

How foreign mining companies breach human rights in Africa

My investigation in the Guardian: Australian miners are making a killing overseas. With little regulation or oversight, billions of dollars are being made in some of the most remote places on Earth. The necessity of partnering with autocratic regimes has proved no impediment to investment. Human rights have been breached. Victims are largely invisible. None…

Australia may send asylum seeker back to danger in Afghanistan

I’m proud to have been asked to sign the following statement (latest information here): Prominent Australians urge Immigration Minister Peter Dutton to save the life of Nadir Sadiqi Nadir’s life hangs in the balance. You alone in this country, Mr Dutton, have the power to decide whether Nadir lives or dies. Nadir arrived by boat…

Resource curse alive and well in Afghanistan

My following investigation is published by the Guardian: Afghanistan faces an existential crisis over its untapped natural resources. After decades of war and insecurity, the Afghan government and foreign investors are pushing to exploit minerals under the ground but real dangers exist with little enforced regulation. Like Papua New Guinea and Haiti, two other nations…

Interview about my documentary-in-progress, Disaster Capitalism

I was recently interviewed by Green Left Weekly newspaper: Independent journalist and author Antony Loewenstein… has made a name for himself writing about war crimes, human rights abuses and corporate profiteering. For the first time, he is seeking to speak truth to power through the medium of film — with his first documentary… Disaster Capitalism now in…

ABC Radio Adelaide on disaster capitalism

This week I’ve been in Adelaide for its literary festival. The events, outdoors and free, have been huge, drawing well over 1200 people per session. I was interviewed by ABC Adelaide about my work, including my recent book Profits of Doom:

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