Weekly reminder to assist my documentary on disaster capitalism

A week after launching my Kickstarter campaign to raise $20,000 for my documentary with New York colleague Thor Neureiter, on the subject of disaster capitalism and Profits of Doom, we’re close to 30% of our target with many more pledges still to come, I’m told. Thanks for all your support thus far. But we have…

Perth Indymedia interview on Profits of Doom

I was interviewed last night by Perth Indymedia on my new book, Profits of Doom, and we discussed privatised detention centres, privatised war in Afghanistan and Iraq and resistance in the form of the #Occupy movement. Listen here.

ABC Radio Brisbane on Profits of Doom

Last night I was interviewed on ABC Radio Evenings in Brisbane for a long conversation about my new book, Profits of Doom. It was a unique opportunity to discuss the complicity of Rio Tinto in human rights abuses in Bougainville, Papua New Guinea, private contractors in Afghanistan and mis-managed detention centres in Australia:

My disaster capitalism documentary needs your support

Today I’m proud to announce the launch of a Kickstarter campaign with New York-based film-maker Thor Neureiter. Here’s the trailer: We need to raise US$20,000 in one month to continue shooting footage in Haiti, Papua New Guinea and Afghanistan. All the details about the project are here. Please tell your friends, family, lovers, enemies and…

Welcome to the remote Curtin detention centre

The following extract from my book Profits of Doom appears in The Melbourne Review: In this extract from his recently-released… Profits of Doom, Antony Loewenstein visits the remote and jealously guarded Curtin Immigration Detention Centre.…  It’s a 30-minute drive through the desert from Derby to the Curtin Air Base. A number of signs warn us to…

How to fight mass privatisation one industry at a time

My following article appears in The Hoopla today: The rate of incarceration of Indigenous Australians is… higher per capita… than it was for … blacks living in apartheid South Africa. The Australian Institute of Criminology released figures this year that confirm the problem. One in four are behind bars and the over-representation of Indigenous people in West Australian…

What is vulture capitalism doing to our world?

My follow article appears today in The Conversation: The story in last weekend’s Sydney’s… Daily Telegraph… was stark: “[Prime Minister] Kevin Rudd will warn people smugglers he stands ready to create an island from hell in Papua New Guinea housing 10,000 asylum seekers.” The message, an “exclusive” by News Corp Australia journalist Samantha Maiden, was to inform…

Profits of Doom extract: politicised, privatised and silenced by bureaucracy

The following… appears in the wonderful publication Right Now, an online site dedicated to human rights: In his new book,… Profits of Doom,… independent Australian journalist Antony Loewenstein travels to Curtin Immigration Detention Centre and Christmas Island to investigate the reality of Australia’s, notoriously… secretive, privatised detention facilities for asylum seekers.… In this excerpt, Loewenstein is on Christmas Island (CI)…

The daily inhumanity of Guantanamo Bay

Devastating article by writer John Grisham in the New York Times: About two months ago I learned that some of my books had been banned at Guantánamo Bay. Apparently detainees were requesting them, and their lawyers were delivering them to the prison, but they were not being allowed in because of “impermissible content.” I became…

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