How could Wikileaks be silenced?

Rest assured the Obama administration is looking for some way to prosecute and silence Wikileaks despite growing evidence that the Pentagon is refusing to assist the group with hiding the identities of possible informers in Afghanistan.

Australia does not have a refugee “issue”

Remember these figures the next time an Australian politician talks about the asylum seeker “problem”: Immigration authorities have deported 156 failed asylum-seekers in two years. That figure is just 2 per cent of the 7000 boatpeople who have arrived in the present wave of boats. The revelation came after The Australian reported yesterday that more…

Why Wikileaks shames most corporate media

John Pilger defends Wikileaks and rightly so: The WikiLeaks revelations shame the dominant section of journalism, devoted merely to taking down what cynical and malign power tells it. This is state stenography, not journalism. Look on the WikiLeaks site and read a Ministry of Defence document that describes the “threat” of real journalism. And so…

Muslims aren’t all the same (pass onto the clueless)

William Dalrymple in the New York Times talks some sense about Islam and the “war on terror”, a message singularly ignored by many politicians and media hacks: President Obama’s eloquent endorsement on Friday of a planned Islamic cultural center near the World Trade Center, followed by his apparent retreat the next day, was just one…

Wikileaks needs all the defenders it can get

Following the controversy over the recent Wikileaks information dump, Reporters Without Borders attempts to get out of a hole created by itself: There has been a great deal of controversy about the Wikileaks website’s decision to post thousands of leaked reports that include the names of Afghan civilians who have collaborated with the international military…

Fighting an invisible Taliban

A quote from a Taliban letter passed out in the northern part of Afghanistan: Come together as one hand to defeat the infidels of the world. And make Afghanistan a Jewish and Christian cemetery.

Revealing the real agenda of the Time journalist on Afghanistan

This story gets worse by the day and yet the corporate press learn nothing and hear nothing: The maimed face of 18-year-old Aisha, her nose and ears cut off as punishment by her Afghan husband for fleeing his home, made the cover of Time magazine last week and changed the debate over the country’s military…

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