Hanging refugees out to dry, courtesy of the Australian authorities

This proposed collusion between the UN and Australia, to remove a potential headache for Kevin Rudd in an election year, should be condemned in the strongest possible sense. Sri Lanka and Afghanistan remain highly dangerous nations for minorities and dissidents. The idea that the Australian government will be sending refugees back to their nations of…

When Barack Obama goes Down Under

My following article appears in the Huffington Post: The arrival of the new American Ambassador to Australia was breathlessly welcomed by the Australia media pack in late 2009. Jeffrey Bleich, an American lawyer from California, assumed his position in Canberra and was introduced to the country through an interview on the public broadcaster ABC. After…

Violence is a means and an end: an interview with Mark Danner

My latest article for New Matilda is an interview with leading American reporter Mark Danner: Leading US journalist Mark Danner calls a spade a spade and examines the political value of violence in this exclusive interview with Antony Loewenstein Mark Danner has some unusual characteristics for a mainstream US journalist. He has published in some…

Who picks up the pieces seven years after the Iraq invasion?

The Iraq war receives far too little media coverage these days. The “good war” in Afghanistan is leading the bulletins. But reading about this document from an American army medic back from Iraq, the atrocities by the Americans remain largely unknown. ABC yesterday featured a story and news report about the massive refugee crisis in…

Perhaps Washington would like to read some history about Afghanistan

A welcome reminder that the Pashtuns, after defeating the Soviets in Afghanistan, have not forgotten the tactics used to defeat the once-mighty super-power: Looting of military convoys is nothing new in this part of the world. A few decades ago it was the Soviets who lost their AK47s, big fur hats and service medals. Pre-partition,…

An American soldier explains what he did in the Middle East

Back in 2008, a number of former American soldiers gave testimony at the “Winter Soldier” hearings and detailed the horrific crimes committed in our name in America’s imperial pursuits. This video powerfully articulates the inherent racism within Washington’s Middle East adventures:

Christ loves Washington’s terror victims

I’m sure the victims of American “freedom bombs” will be pleased that they’ve been blessed by Jesus: ABC News revealed that Trijicon, the company that provides high-powered rifle sights to the U.S. military, inscribes the sights with coded references to biblical texts about Jesus Christ. The company inscribes the codes immediately after the model number,…

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