How should we feel about Obama?

The recently released Verso book, A Time to Speak Out, in which I contribute a chapter about progressive Jewish thought, has just launched a blog. My first post is the following: As one of the contributors to this important new book, currently in Sydney, Australia, the issue of Jewish identity in the 21st century is…

How a war really works

Welcome to America’s uncomfortable choices. “Liberation” is such a tough sell: In the wake of the deadly terrorist attacks in Mumbai, the U.S. government is pressuring Pakistan to investigate the incident that left more than 170 dead in India’s largest city. After arriving Thursday in Islamabad, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice demanded that the Pakistanis…

Stenographer discovers the real Loewenstein

On the day before Islamic terrorists launched their latest attack on Mumbai, Sydney writer Antony Loewenstein delivered a speech at Harvard University in the US. Readers, it’s time to admit something (already picked up by this crafty Murdoch hack in Sydney.) My words at Harvard this week actually triggered a sleeper cell in India. Blame…

What our liberation has brought

Robert Fisk, The Independent, November 20: There is a little girl in the Meir Wais hospital with livid scars and dead skin across her face, an obscene map of brown and pink tissue. Then there is another girl, a beautiful child, Khorea Horay, grimacing in pain, her leg amputated, her life destroyed after her foot…

Another side of a “liberated” country

Kabul Korrespondence is a blog written by a Westerner living in the Afghan capital. He’s also an editor of the world’s first Afghan photo agency, Aina Photo. A post from yesterday details the fascinating contradictions of the fledgling nation: Schoolboy error shouldn’t stop attempted suicide bomber’s timetable This morning, he was a committed jihadist. This…

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