A deserving winner

The film Taxi to the Dark Side has won Best Documentary at last night’s Oscars. My friend, Melbourne-born and New York based Eva Orner, was the co-winner. It’s a wonderful achievement.

Our enemies are civilians

A Salon “exclusive“: Inside a secret high-tech control center the U.S. Air Force targets enemies in Iraq and Afghanistan. But can they bomb them legally, and without killing innocents? The fact that a growing number of civilians are being killed by America’s air-war against the peoples of Iraq and Afghanistan would suggest that in fact…

But daddy, the natives want to be liberated

Britain, please put the military adventures back in your pants; it’s far less likely to kill innocent civilians: The foreign secretary, David Miliband, will today set out the clearest exposition yet of Labour’s recast foreign policy when he will argue that mistakes made in Iraq and Afghanistan must not cloud the moral imperative to intervene…

Our good friends in Afghanistan

“We” never deal with terrorists, of course: Britain planned to build a Taliban training camp for 2,000 fighters in southern Afghanistan, as part of a top-secret deal to make them swap sides, intelligence sources in Kabul have revealed. The plans were discovered on a memory stick seized by Afghan secret police in December.

Karzai’s fundamentalist regime, courtesy of us

The case of the Afghani journalist sentenced to death for allegedly downloading a suspect article online is far more complex than we are being told, writes Afghan blogger Sanjar: This is a power game, Karzai government has been critical of media for awhile, this incident allowed the religious scholar to rampage a journalist. In big…

Who said the Taliban ever left?

This is what “liberation” looks like in Afghanistan: The Afghan Association Blog Writers (Afghan Penlog), a community established by a group of Afghan activist bloggers, has expressed deep concern for a young journalist Sayed Parwiz Kambakhsh who was condemned to death by a local court. He has been a reporter for Jahan-e Naw (New World)…

Killing from the air

America has greatly expanded its aerial assault against Iraq and Afghanistan. Not that you’d read that in the mainstream media. The blogosphere reveals all.

Letting the monkeys control the asylum

Progress in Iraq? Not unlike Afghanistan, the West has empowered warlords to control the country. “Victory” can be declared (with Iraqi civilians now living under a new kind of Saddam-like hell): Warlords and criminal gangs dominate Basra amid growing concern that British forces have failed to create the conditions needed for political and economic reconstruction,…

More fundamentalism, please

Aside from the Western presumption and arrogance that “we” have the right to control Afghanistan – despite spending decades funding an insurgency or supporting the Taliban – it now looks like our supposed concern has been futile: The Taliban has a permanent presence in 54% of Afghanistan and the country is in serious danger of…

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