Welcome back, Stalin

The Soviet Union used propaganda to sell its futile wars around the world, especially in Afghanistan. But surely the Western media wouldn’t use the same tricks to sell similarly bogus adventures? Think again.

The future is bleak

Leading investigative reporter Seymour Hersh: Barack Obama represents the only hope for the US in the Muslim world. We’re facing two or three decades of problems in the Mideast, with 1.2 billion Muslims. They say the surge [ in Iraq] has worked. But do you think someday we will get an oil deal in Iraq?…

I can feel a Afghan liberation coming on

As another Australian soldier is killed in Afghanistan by the Taliban, our media rarely asks the key question: what is the West doing there and is the situation improving? In fact, it is getting worse and the increasing number of civilians killed by “our” forces is causing extremism to breed. The Taliban can undoubtedly be…

Looking for scapegoats

Who to believe? Afghan officials or Western forces desperate to isolate Iran? Afghan Foreign Minister Rangeen Dadfar Spanta said Oct. 19 there was no evidence that Iran was supplying weapons to Taliban militants waging a violent insurgency. Spanta’s comments came after Gen. Dan McNeill, the top U.S. commander in Afghanistan, said a day earlier that…

Liberation next time

The war in Afghanistan is allegedly the “good war” – a term that liberal interventionists use to justify the invasion and ongoing occupation of the impoverished nation – but the country is suffering. One Afghan blogger has some harsh words for US-backed President Hamid Karzai: On September 29, 2007, a suicide bomber attacked an army…

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