Why did most Western elites not want to see Arab anger?

Al-Jazeera’s director general Wadah Khanfar on the Arab revolution that most in the West simply didn’t expect. Why? Because we fear Islamists, because we hate the idea that Arabs may vote for parties we don’t like and because we fear that poor little undemocratic Israel may be challenged. Times are changing: Indeed, it should surprise…

Al-Jazeera is more than just a news channel

Nir Rosen understands how the Middle East has changed: Its hard to imagine the revolutions sweeping the Middle East happening without al Jazeera. Yes Tunisians started their revolution, taking the first steps, and it took Jazeera a couple of weeks before it focused on Tunisia. But once its started and Jazeera was on its war…

Life inside a Pyongyang university

This is a truly remarkable film. Two film-makers received exclusive access to the Pyongyang University of Cinematic and Dramatic Arts and were able to follow the lives of some highly privileged North Koreans in service to the Dear Leader:

Memo to Washington; Israel will bring your downfall

Marwan Bishara, senior political analyst at Al Jazeera English and host and editor of the television program Empire, talks to Democracy Now! about the desperate need for America to see the world in a way other than through a Zionist frame: Everyone was caught in the headlights—What is going on? Who are these people?—not realizing…

US intelligence is a contradiction in terms

The idea that Facebook and Twitter should be closely monitored by Washington to determine where the next Middle East revolution may occur simply proves the sheer waste of billions on the intelligence services annually. You have to laugh:

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